A frozen waterfall cascading over rocky terrain, with icicles hanging from the ledges and a clear blue sky in the background. Santa Fe Lake Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 2 mi (3.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +101/ -69 ft
Total: 36 riders

Mountain Biking Santa Fe Lake Trail

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#17 of 90 mountain bike trails in Kansas
#2,578 in the world

Note: Santa Fe Lake has been extended with an additional 5.5 miles added north of the creek. Thus there are two separate trails which are currently unconnected. Future plans are to connect both trails once funds are available to design and install a bridge. This trail has been a 4 year project and KSS is working with the land manager for upgraded signage. More bike traffic means more money for the park service and helps us ask for more signage, upgrades, and the possibly of opening land on the west side of the lake as an additional trail. Please consider a yearly pass if you plan to ride often.

The trail is currently 1.8 miles with good elevation changes, tight turns, and plenty of rocks. The trail is completely new and is maintained by Kansas Singletrack Society. Plans are to double the trail length in late 2015. Open from sunrise to sunset only. The lake is run by the City of Augusta and the land manager requires a $10 usage fee.

First added by BikeIdiot on Dec 23, 2014. Last updated Jul 10, 2023. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Leave Wichita on Kellogg (US 54) heading east. Drive 5 miles east of Andover Road to Santa Fe Lake Road. Turn north. Drive app 1.75 miles north and turn west into Santa Fe Lake Park. The trail parking lot is the first parking lot on the right. You must pay a $5 daily fee per vehicle before the trail can be ridden. Drive past the trail head app .25 miles to the park office.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Wichita, Kansas

Intermediate | 2 mi

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  • 1track4me

    The north side is fantastic! Not terribly technical but enough to keep it interesting. Great flow and fun to get up speed on. I'm not a fan of the south side due to all the really sharp, jagged rocks. I don't find it fun to be dodging rocks a large portion of the time and expecting a flat at any moment. I'd love to help do some trail work on it to smooth some of those sections out and add some signage.

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  • Schmo

    I had a great time out here. The South trail is where you put your skills to the test. Some nice rocky climbs and downhills. Don't miss out on the water fall. When you get to the North trail You can open up the throttle. It's flatter and has good flow. When you dump out onto the gravel road a sign should be posted stating go to the end of the road. I got a bit lost for a minute. This is a fun trail!

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  • newb

    Great variance in Trail .some flow ,some climbs ,technical, gravel roads this thing has everything for being so short

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  • carterw1

    Very rocky. Ran into a lot of hiking people. White signs were not very clear. I got a ticket for not getting my permit but when I went to pay my ticket they said that they have ordered some new signs for biking trail and will be putting them up when it is most dry. Still had a lot of fun!

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  • Skyward112

    There has been 5.5 miles added to the north side of the lake. It is not very technical but still a great ride! With the closing of Milers Meadows this is a great replacement. Very similar terrain to Millers. The south trail has more technical climbs and descents, but nothing crazy. Great to ride a few laps and then head to the North trail to get a good runout. The lake sells a yearly membership for $40. You will want to keep coming back so just buy it! ????

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  • Gregg Walls

    I agree with the previous review. Not really enough there to justify the $6 entry fee. The rocks on the south part of the trail are really sharp in most areas. Didn't get a flat but fully expected to.

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  • halfdome

    Difficult to figure out where the trail goes, marked very poorly. Some sections are technical so some caution is wise. At only 2 miles I don't think it is worth $6 to ride but has potential.

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  • tjamscad

    I really enjoy this Trail it's like Miller's Meadow and Fall River Badger Creek had a baby

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  • ****

    Wow, Kansas Singletrack Society has really been doing a lot of work here. There are now close to 6 miles of trail and growing. The south side has nice single track with elevation changes and fun drops and challenging climbs. And the newer North trail is your classic flowing singletrack trail system.

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