Topographic map of Rothrock State Forest in Pennsylvania, featuring various hiking trails marked in blue and yellow. The map displays elevation contours and key landmarks, along with labeled trails such as the Tusey Extension, Tusey Man Trail, and others, along with parking information at Bear Meadows. The scale is indicated, and a note states that the map is not complete. Sassafras Loop mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 23 mi (37 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Figure 8
Elevation: +2,238/ -1,416 ft
Total: 25 riders

Mountain Biking Sassafras Loop

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#52 of 293 mountain bike trails in Pennsylvania
#2,194 in the world

From Greenwood Furnace State Park: From the parking lot at the park office along PA-305 turn left up Broad Mtn Rd. Turn Right on the snowmobile trail (shown on maps as Spencer). Follow snowmobile trail making a right at Telephone Trail. You will come out on Rag Hollow Rd. Take a sharp left and follow Sassafras up the mountain. When you hit Broad Mountain Rd turn Right then left onto Kettle Rd. Just up the road Sass picks up again on your right. Sass is marked at both roads with a sign. Ride Sass up over Milligans Knob. Keep following Sass as it steeply drops off the face of the mountain. Cross over Baily Gap road onto Sass-xx and follow this sweet single track out to Cooper's Gap Rd. At Coopers Gap turn left up the hill and at the private road on the right take the single track on the right (Deer Tick Tr.). Follow this trail as it loops and winds its way through the woods. You will eventually end up at the top of the mountain on Beautiful Trail. At Conklin Rd go straight across to Chicken Peter Trail on the other side. Eventually this trail will come out just along Cooper's Gap rd. Stay on the single track straight ahead up over the little hill back into the woods. Stay straight at the connecter and follow the trail back out to Cooper's Gap Rd. Turn Left up Cooper's Gap. Turn Right on Kettle Rd and CLIMB. At the intersection with Broad Mountain Rd turn left and keep your eye out for the small single track on your left (Bigelow Trail). Follow Bigelow Trail as it loops right and turns into Pigpile Trail. Follow Pigpile passing by the B.R. & S Trail down to Barrville Rd. Turn Right on Barrville and follow it down to PA-305. Take a right down the road and back to your ride at Greenwood Furnace. This ride can be modified any number of ways but this route is pretty solid with tons of fun single track and limited forest road. Check the map for the 2007 Stoopid 50 on the Nittany Mountain Bike Association website (even though this route differs a bit).

First added by jlpXC on Mar 29, 2010. Last updated May 10, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Trail head is from the parking lot at the park Office in Greenwood Furnace State Park south of State College on PA-305.

Sassafras Loop Trail map

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Rothrock State Forest, Pennsylvania

Advanced | 100 mi
Advanced | 1 mi
Intermediate | 1 mi
Beginner | 1 mi

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  • Helena Kotala

    The trails included in this loop are some of my favorites, ever. Sass-xx is gorgeous---tight, twisty, and lined with ferns. East coast riding at its best for sure.

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  • brentonrader

    Some technical, some sweeping singletrack, great scenery. East coast mountain biking at its best.

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  • jlpXC

    Great loop with tons of great single track and lots of climbing. The Single track in the Cooper's gap area is top notch. Deer Tick, Sassex-X and Chicken head are rad.

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