A mountain biker in a blue shirt and protective gear rides through a forest trail, surrounded by tall pine trees and wildflowers in the foreground. Schultz Creek mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 25 mi (40.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +1,854/ -1,624 ft
Total: 167 riders

Mountain Biking Schultz Creek

*****   Add a review
#11 of 417 mountain bike trails in Arizona
#281 in the world

Great trail, once you get there. I bit of just a bit too much for my self . 25 miles to be exact. It's a network of trails to get there but once you do the actual Shultz
trail is about 6-8 miles of smooth downhill, with great views of the mountains.

First added by jvdabbs on Feb 15, 2004. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Start in Flagstaff and head out on Highway 180 to the Schultz pass turnoff about 3 miles out and take a right on the turn off. head about a half mile and the trail head starts where the road forks.

I'm not from there and have only been once, but once your there go to Buffalo Park and head off in to the trail system. There is a ton of trails, so go to any of the 10 bike shops and get them to hook you up with a trail map and point where and how you get to Shultz Creek.
Featured in
A mountain bike leaning against a tree on a narrow dirt path winding through a forest of tall pine trees and scattered rocks. Pine needles and earthy ground cover are visible, creating a natural, outdoor setting.

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Schultz Creek Trail
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Flagstaff Rocky Ridge Singletrack MTB Trail
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Flagstaff, Arizona

Intermediate | 3 mi
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  • Beauchpe

    Shultz is fun but a little rocky. Moto and Arizona trails seem to have better flow. There's tons of trails to choose from and many unmarked. Beautiful scenery

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  • Paul Loeffelholz

    I had to fit in at least 1 if Az's top trails in on this trip from Ontario Canada . Entered in from the far side of the town and headed towards the top of Schultz from the backside which became quite the workout climbing through some real rough sections. Appeared that most of the Schultz trail signs would take riders to the trail head at the bottom and then they would have to ride up it. In the end it was an amazing downhill run right back into town .

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  • Jimmywingnut

    Great Trail but busy.
    Cross the road to Az Trail and Moto Trail options. These are not as busy and give great options for uphill and fun flowy down hill runs.

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  • G1SA

    Great trail

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  • wpanicAZmtb

    Super fun! Beautiful Aspens and wooded singletrack with great down hill runs.

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  • mongwolf

    Nice steady climb with little techy spots thrown in regularly along the way. Fast, flowy DH with some bermed curves and all those little techy spots to spice it up just a bit. Also there are a few small jumps here and there, and a couple of 3 foot jumps i missed. All in all, very high on the fun meter.

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  • robertwboland

    Great downhill for all levels. The terrain isn't technically demanding once you get down to Schultz. But, crank up the difficulty by adding some speed. This is heavily trafficked for a reason, it's a beautiful 3-season destination with something for everyone.

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  • Ryan Brunswick

    This Is One Of The Best Trails In Flagstaf For A Fun Downhill Trail. It Can Be Shuttled But It Is Just As Fast To Ride Up. It's Fast And Flowy But Watch Out For Hikers And Runners.

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  • CFM   ✓ supporter

    Only rode part of this trail as a loop with other trails. Enjoyed this section the best even though it was uphill. Certainly much better than our drive down Schultz Creek Road!

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  • vbeckman74

    Schultz is a local favorite for good reason. It's fast, cool singletrack.

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  • Timothyfluegge

    Nice little climb that links up with plenty of options higher on the mountain. The aspen were breathtaking. Thoroughly enjoyed the return trip. This trail deserves its rating.

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  • Greg Heil   ✓ supporter

    Awesome, rocky singletrack trail that climbs through the trees and connects to a number of other trails in the area.

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  • abegold

    Schultz is just the start of the riding here, a trail most will climb to get the many trails higher on the mountain. Cool and shady, a rare treat in this state. Watch out for motorcycles.

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  • david_darling

    A Flagstaff staple. So fast and fun. Can be ridden up but be aware on busy days. Had a blast!

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  • bigdrop46

    4 miles up, 4 down, a very rideable climb to the top of Shultz Creek, reverse it and it's a sweet trip down. It is part of a system where you can ride around Mt. Eldon for a big loop, BUT part of Little Eldon Trail is closed due to a recent fire.

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  • dauw

    Sweet flowing singletrack along Schultz Creek. A good way to climb up, but a great way to fly back down to the trailhead with a few play features if you're in the mood.

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  • bfobar

    The trails of and around shultz creek are beautiful, extensive, and challenging. I learned how to ride single track here.

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  • TMWJR777

    Probably the best singletrack in AZ. Everything in the Mt. Elden network is awesome. This site ranks a couple of the rides in the lower deserts higher but I would STRONGLY dissagree. The best trails in AZ are in northern AZ, don't let anyone tell you anything different. Flagstaff rules, I have ridden all over AZ, CO & UT, this place is second to none, just try not to spread the word too much... ; )

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  • Emer50

    Best overall trail in AZ!! Great trail, Great weather. Steady uphill climb and once at the top options are plenty. Can join up with the brookbank trails (through the hobbit forest), Eldon trail for a difficult climb but awesome views, or to dry lakes to pedal around. Downhill has to be back on Schultz pass, hold on and enjoy the ride. When you are done, you will want to do it again.

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  • Rebus   ✓ supporter

    I started at the lower trailhead before the dirt road and road up to the upper trailhead and back. This was a mother of a climb, but worth it becasue it was all fast flowy downhill on the way back. The forest around Flagstaff is beautiful and peaceful, and the trails are wicked fast. This is a great trail and I wish I'd had more time to try the other trails that branch off from the upper trailhead.

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