Dense forest scene with tall trees and autumn foliage, featuring a narrow path covered in fallen leaves. A moss-covered fallen log runs alongside the path, and a bicycle can be seen resting against a nearby tree. Sunlight filters through the canopy, creating a tranquil outdoor atmosphere. Shabomeka Legpower Pathfinders mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 60 mi (96.6 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +451/ -169 ft
Total: 17 riders

Mountain Biking Shabomeka Legpower Pathfinders

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#72 of 311 mountain bike trails in Ontario
#3,392 in the world

A 60 km network of beautifully scenic paths meandering through a wide variety of habitats in the forest heartland surrounding Shabomeka Lake in the Madawaska Highlands of the Land Oí Lakes region of Eastern Ontario.

For a free path network map, go to the pathhead or send a stamped self-addressed envelope to Shabomeka LEGPOWER Pathfinders, PO Box 217, Cloyne, ON K0H 1K0.

First added by searsandrewj on Nov 14, 2006. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
The paths are just southeast of Bon Echo Provincial Park. Take Hwy 41 to Head Rd 3.7 km north of Cloyne,ON. Go east on Head Rd 1.0 km, then north on Shabomeka Lake Rd for 5.7 km. Continue on Shawenegog Lake Lane 0.4 km to # 1067B, the pathhead.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Cloyne, Ontario

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  • Paul Loeffelholz

    Outer south side trails fading away as expected but hundreds of trees down making it a difficult hike a bike over brush and fallen trees. Shabomeka road area in good shape for primitive trails

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  • Paul Loeffelholz

    Trails variable conditions due to spring thaw . Appears trails are much more visible now due to trail work

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  • Paul Loeffelholz

    Amazing terrain , minimal markings on trees mostly rock markers . use Trailforks to find your place in the network. Learned from last time .. if the trail is fading away turn back , some are over grown and best left to the Indiana Jones of hikers
    Local pedal power club still seem to be clearing trees that fall and creating more junction trails that are not on trail forks .

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  • Paul Loeffelholz

    There seems to be some missing updates on this location and that's one of the main reasons I went /it intrigued me .
    After arriving late at night and boondocking in an area I set out to explore early morning . Winding small pathways are well kept ( green and blue sections on Trailforks ) any trees that have fallen have been cut away making the pine needle layers paths clear . Spacing between many of the trees is less than 760mm so wide bar bikes will need maneuvering , I took a fat bike but regular MTb tired bike would be fine . After several black sections I planned to large black trail loop around the back of a few other lakes -trails 8 ,8c ,8d . The further I went the less the trail became evident with minimal triangle tree markers and infrequent set stone markers . Numerous trees down and once on the other side the trail would be lost again and again , the only way I made it through was the compass feature on trail forks / using it to point left or right and find where the trail actually was - I enjoy way back woods biking :hiking , but if for any reason my phone gps had stopped , it would have taken many hours to try and find a way out -frustrating . By the time I got out to the more frequently used trails I was out of ride time . Over all the network of trails is great for biking and legpower sports but be well prepared if heading way out back .
    If packed down by hikers and snowshoers in winter it would be a great area for fatbikes

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  • Downhill Mike

    I checked on Trailforks and looks like the place is not getting much activity so I would expect alot of overgrown vegetation and bushwaking. Doesnt look like the person that build those trails is around anymore.

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  • Downhill Mike

    Is it fat bike friendly in the winter?

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  • samps

    These are the most awesome trails and everyone should experience them. The scenery is amazing and the technical aspects of the terrain keep it exciting. Thanks Glen for maintaining them and we can all thank him by riding them!

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  • btipping

    This is real mountain biking only steps away from Bon Echo Provincial Park. The 60 kms of technical singletrack says it all! Trails are in mint condition as it does not appear ATV’s and dirt bikes ride on these trails. The trail builder has very carefully laid out these trails to make them both enjoyable and taxing and you will leave respecting the area. Carry maps are provided at the trailhead in a box by the trailbuilder – Glen Pearce.
    As fun as the trails were, we were lucky enough to meet and talk to Glen after our rides, who had some fascinating mtb stories and offered our party a swim on his beach to clean up. Glen has made mountain biking his passion since retiring some 25 years ago and is incredibly fit. He rides a 3 speed 1984 Sierra mtb that has been repaired and reinforced and likely weighs in the 40lb range. You will want to take a picture of this bike because your friends will not believe it when you try to describe it.* Review edited 7/3/2012* Review edited 7/3/2012

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Rider questions

Q: Wondering if there is an access point in the southern part of this trail?

Q: What is the access point for this trail system? I have mountainbiked near Ompah have me curious....any fishing?
A: 1067 Shawenegog Lake Ln I heard on a forum its near bon echo provincial park and the city cloyne.