A mountain biker climbs a trail surrounded by lush green trees, with a lake visible in the background. The scene captures the beauty of nature and outdoor activity. Jankhai Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 24 mi (38.6 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: -
Total: 1 riders

Mountain Biking Jankhai Trail

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#18 of 70 mountain bike trails in Mongolia
#6,800 in the world

The trail sits in the foothills of the SW area of the Hovsgol Lake. Hovsgol Lake is a great lake located in far northern Mongolia. The trail consists of a good mix of singletrack and doubletrack. There are various side trails along the way to explore.

If you ride the trail CCW, head north from the village parallel to the lake. When you reach the main road (well-developed gravel road), you are at about the 1/2 way point. You can turn around here and ride back the way you came as an out and back.

Or to ride the trail as a loop, you can continue on and head up the pass on the lake side of the road. There is no trail at first heading up the pass. Just "no track" it up the hill a ways, and part way up the pass you will pick up more singletrack (next to the road). This will lead you up the pass, then down the other side and all the way back to the village. There is another trail up the pass in the forest before the gravel road, but it is a bit confusing to identify on your first ride. From the top of the pass, the trail stays near the road all the way back to the village.

Though I have described the trail from CCW route, I recommend riding the trail CW.

First added by mongwolf on Oct 23, 2014. Last updated Apr 27, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
To ride the trail CCW, you can find the trail on the north end of the village of Hatgal. It is easy to find. Ask the locals for the trail. Trail in Mongolian sounds like "gem" or "Jim".
If you want to ride the trail CW, then you can pick up the trail on the west end of the village along the main road to the tourist camps up the lake. You will find a small ST just past the tiny airport.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Hatgal, Mongolia

Intermediate | 145 mi

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  • mongwolf

    Great long ride. Some of it is along the lake, some deep in the larch forest surrounding the lake, and some on open grassy slopes with extensive, beautiful views. I recommend riding the trail CW from the west end of the village. Pick up the ST along the dirt road near the little airport.

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