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Level: Intermediate
Length: 11 mi (17.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +601/ -611 ft
Total: 14 riders

Mountain Biking Slashing Road

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#147 of 323 mountain bike trails in Michigan
#5,687 in the world

Found this description online:
This is locally known as the "slashing road" section of the North Country Trail, and is an absolutely awesome section. Locals generally ride from the South to the North and avoid much of the sandy two-track. Starting at the intersection of Thumb Lake & Slashing road, take the trail north following the blue blazes on the trees (re-marked spring 2009, very easy to follow) after several miles of flowy single track, cross chandler hill rd. (paved) and then begin a grinding uphill on a fairly decent two-track. At the top of this climb is a real treat if you know what to look for...on the right side is a faintly visible single track that has been built and maintained by a local guy who lives nearby. This "bootleg" section is not marked, but generally easy to follow and forms a 5 mile loop that re-connects with the NTC about a mile from your point of origin. This makes for an awesome 11 miles of riding on mostly single track, while eliminating all of the sandy two-tracks and paved roads in the description. The soils here drain well, so this is a good choice when other trails are too muddy to ride. First timers should take a good topo map and a compass or gps, since the area is criss-crossed with old logging roads and it can be easy to get lost if you get off-track.

There are other sections of the North Country Trail, but I haven't ridden them yet. Directions are available on Latitude 45's website (Petoskey bike shop). I've been unable to find any descriptions online.

First added by fishtimmins on May 25, 2011. Last updated Mar 15, 2022. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: no
  • Lift service: no
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: no
  • Restrooms: no
  • Fat bike grooming: no
  • E-bikes allowed: no
  • Fee required: no
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Getting there
Take US-131 south from Petoskey for 14 miles to Thumb Lake Road (County Road C-48). Turn left and drive 4.9 miles east to South Slashing Road. Parking is on the grassy area on the northeast corner of the intersection.

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Overgrown (Aug 13, 2020)
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Petoskey, Michigan

Intermediate | 8 mi
Intermediate | 4 mi
Advanced | 8 mi
| 22 mi

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  • Pronuke

    This is not a well maintained trail. This is generally easy with a couple of serious bimu relatively short climbs. The turn off for the return is not easy to find and the coninuation across Chandler hill was difficult to find. I have never seen another person on this section of the NCT.

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  • T Dogg

    Its fun, its north country trial, so not really designed for bikes. It is raw single track so there will be logs across the trail. Theres some knarly climbs and you ll warm your breaks up o. The downhills. I like to ride from thumb lake/slashing road intersection all the way up to Brubaker road, heading north on the trail. Itll take a couple few hours, but a good way to spend an afternoon.

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  • msujedi

    I have only ridden several miles of the NCT near Nubs Knob. The trail was fairly gentle with a few rolling climbs and descents. Some of the gentle climbs and descents have exposed roots which raises the technical difficulty a tad. Even so, I would rate this section of trail Green/Blue. Note: the trailhead described is actually located a few miles East of Boyne Falls in case you're trying to map it. I intend to ride the described section soon.

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