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Level: Beginner
Length: 4 mi (6.4 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +261/ -278 ft
Total: 18 riders

Mountain Biking Sleepy Hollow

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#11 of 35 mountain bike trails in North Dakota
#4,862 in the world

Great singletrack for beginners. Consists of a 4 mile loop. Wooded area closest to Divide Avenue is the most difficult part.

First added by amshreve on Nov 6, 2006. Last updated May 5, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Sleepy Hollow is an outdoor threater used for plays and that sort of thing. Sleepy Hollow is located on Divide Avenue and North 26th Street in Bismarck. You enter Sleepy Hollow on Divide Avenue. The start of the trail is right by the road, you can go either east or west. It acually crosses the road when you enter into the parking lot.

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Sleepy Hollow Park Single Track
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Bismarck, North Dakota

Intermediate | 3 mi
Beginner | 7 mi

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  • Scott737

    I admitted that when I begin the riding, I said to myself, what a drag? But it gets better as riding on rest of the trails.

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  • Lucky9er

    Great little trail with plenty of sidewinding action, climbs and quick descents. Cool ride through the trees near the last leg. Great interval workout and surprisingly scenic!

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  • Josh L

    Fun trail in the city, good for getting a little workout. I would call this beginner/kid friendly, so don't hesitate to come out. The local bike shops would be wise to link up with the parks and rec to do some easy trail work and signage to create an awesome urban trail.

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  • Bubblehead10MM   ✓ supporter

    Great little urban ish trail. I get 3.8 miles which I did in around 45 min, and that's poking along. There's about 120 ft from low to high and almost 500 gain in the lap. That would be enough to give an old you know what like me a good work out with longs chugging along, for the climby bits. Generally lots of open prairie hill sides, with the trail weaving into every cusp of trees., Trail is mostly quite a narrow track. It often acts as it's own berms, if you get to know it, it'll rip. Heck of a nice place close to the truck stop, I'm in!

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  • legless

    Fast trail, a tiny bit of climbing, some tight tree areas and not too difficult for riders of any level.
    I ride this trail almost every day when it's dry and it's fun enough that I don't get bored. On average I would say this trail takes most people under a half hour, not a hour like the description states.

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