Mainly single track, with some variations when you have a transition from path to path. These variations are open land tracks fast and flowey. The cliff path single track has been describe by MBR and MB UK as some as the best in Europe (this was 15 years ago mind) but it still holds well today. Due to the amount of national trust work going on there have been many steps cut into the paths. This just adds to the technical side of the ride. There are many steep drop ins and plenty of rock gardens that you either have to ride up or smash through. Some natural jumps and drops which are all rideable if you don't want to get your wheels off the ground. In the summer there are plenty of watering hole available (cafe's) but in the winter most are closed for the season. That said there are not many walker unlike in the summer.
#Allthelads | 20 mi |
Great little run on the North coast of Jersey.
Thank |A great bit of singlrtrack that wont disappoint
Thank |