A dirt path winding through a grassy landscape, leading towards a distant forested hill under a bright blue sky with scattered white clouds. The scene captures a serene and open natural environment. Spruce Meadow mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 8 mi (12.9 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +196/ -220 ft
Total: 22 riders

Mountain Biking Spruce Meadow

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#678 of 1,394 mountain bike trails in Colorado
#7,107 in the world

The Spruce Meadow loop is 8.21 miles long. All but a short distance is on singe track. About .75 miles is on a old jeep road. The trail has a very small amount of sand. The trail is fairly flat except for a short distance at the base of Spruce Mountain. The base elevation is at 6845 feet and the max elevation is 7190 feet. GPS identifies that there is a total of 518 feet of climbing. The maximum incline is 16 percent, which is at the base of Spruce Mountain. The average grade .4 percent. This trail connects with Spruce Mountain. The Spruce mountain trail is a lollipop.

First added by BarDev on Feb 1, 2009. Last updated May 2, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
The Spruce Meadow trail head is off of I-25 at exit 167. This is between Monument and Castle Rock. After exiting I-25, turn West. Follow the road for about 1 mile. The road will cross 2 railroad tracks. The trail head is located left (South) after the 2nd railroad crossing. The parking lot is very large and is very easy to see from the road.

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Snow: powder (Feb 11, 2025)
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Intermediate | 3 mi
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  • JamzMan777

    I like this trail as a lead-in to Spruce Mountain. Simply follow the signs for the meadows loop, it will take you directly to the bottom of Spruce Mountain. Have your fun there and then head back. Final two miles is an easy grade downhill. A couple of times you will find long flowing downhills. I am not much into high tech so this combo is a perfect fit. I think the views are worth it and love animals. You will run over dung though. I usually love dirt hitting my face and all that but mixed with poo i avoided piles as much as possible. Lol. I surely wanted to protect my lips more! Have fun ladies, gentleman and kids of all ages!

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  • tikigoddess

    Started on this trail from the Spruce Mountain trailhead and worked our way around. Yes--it is boring, sandy, with some rutts on parts but it does have 3 things going for it: 1) it's long which can be ideal for a noob or one just looking to get some miles; 2) it's close to 2 other trails, greenland open space and spruce mountain which can all be connected on a loop; and 3) it is not as popular which means you will not have to fight off hordes on your ride. Parts of the trail go through pastures for grazing cattle and you will have to get off your bike a few times to open gates. Occasionally you will find a cow or two hanging out on the trail but they do scamper away as you get close. If you park at the spruce meadow trailhead and work your way up to spruce mountain, go left and follow the bigger fire road. This section of the trail is ideal for family rides with kids, wives or girlfriends. Absolutely nothing scary or technical here.
    Overall, it is a pretty decent beginner trail. Just wanted to try it since we were in the area, but I will not be compelled to return. -Though the section through Spruce Mountain was pretty scenic.

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  • John Fisch

    Okay, this is about as boring as it gets. Sandy, dull singletrack ruts across the prairie. There's some kinda nice views but nothing special. The only possible benefit of this trail is that it is adjacent to Spruce Mountain and can add some miles to that route. However, I think I'd rather do multiple laps on Spruce Mountain to up the mileage account instead of hitting this one, even though I don't like repeating myself on a ride.

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  • telemarkdude   ✓ supporter

    Not much to be said about this tail. A bit boring. The Mt Herman trail is just minutes from this one and offers great single track, nice views and much more challenge.

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