You will first start out with a short climb of 1 tenth of a mile, then you vere right onto a really grassy double track. After riding .73 miles, you will come to a 6 way cross road, take the # 3 or G trail to the left of the little log cabin. At 1.14 miles you will turn left toward the red 3 sign, at mile 2.02 the trail goes left. I like to to explore, so at mile 2.18 instead of following the red 3 I went straight, keep going straight through the next cross road at mile 2.51. The trail T's off at mile 2.89, take that right, you will see a farm of some type down in the valley, after the farm the trail turns into trail #5, I turned right onto #5 at mile 3.45. Shortly after there will be a cross road, where I turned right@ mile 3.74. You will then come to another cross road that looks familiar @ mile 3.96. Go straight on the trail that is marked by a Horse shoe painted onto the tree, by a stack of old logs. Follow the trail to the left at mile 4.10, there will be a rock quarry off to the right in the distance. Turn right at mile 4.34, right beside the quarry. You can go exploring doen there and have a lot of fun, as long as there isn't anyone working at the time. Saturday is a good day to go. If you don't go in the quarry, keep going straight then the road T'sat mile 4.64, you will see an old abandoned house way off to the right, down the road, cool to look at, but to get back to your vehicle, you turn left onto the road. You will be riding up a slight incline for the next 1.3 miles, you will then be back in the parking lot. Enjoy!
Good trail to ride with some buddies. This trail has a couple of tough climbs, but the rest is moderate in my opinion. Pretty good scenery also.
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