A mountain biker navigating a wooden path through a dense, green forest. The biker is wearing a helmet and is captured in motion, suggesting speed, with ferns and trees framing the scene. Sunny Hollow mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 8 mi (12.9 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +379/ -272 ft
Total: 71 riders

Mountain Biking Sunny Hollow

****   Add a review
#10 of 141 mountain bike trails in Vermont
#1,504 in the world

This place is not to be confused with the Camp Johnson trails, however they are both connected depending on which trials you take. This trail is actually maintained by the FOTW, so it is a legal trail and you will not be hassled. Everything is labeled clearly so you won't be getting lost. Great trails for being so closed to the city. Recommended for just about every skill level.

First added by Asfyxiate on Apr 27, 2009. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Off northbound exit on I-89 take a right on Rt. 7. At second light take a right. When road takes a sharp right, there is a Sunny Hollow Natural Area Trails. Follow gravel doubletrack and head all the way to the kiosk, you'll see a map and a couple of single tracks leading you in

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Colchester, Vermont

Easiest | 8 mi
Beginner | 20 mi
Advanced | 2 mi
Intermediate | 5 mi

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  • WildWithin

    Easy riding that is close to home. We usually ride this 4-5 times a week after work, weather depending. It consists of a main blue loop that goes down into a valley over a few bridges and then climbs back up. There are some loops off of this main loop, including red and green trails, that you can use to extend or change your ride. The red stuff isn't too difficult with just enough climb to get your heart rate up. Very well maintained trails, thanks to FOTW. We had a storm come through and knock a tree over on the main switchback. The next day, it was cut and moved.

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  • *****

    This was a lot of fun. Obstacles weren't out of control, bridges were well maintained, enough to keep you entertained at any level.

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  • Phillychris498

    Really flowy trails. It was impossible for me to know where I was, but this place is small enough for that to not be an issue. A couple of very steep, rooty climbs.

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  • 1Chain

    This was hard to choose a rating: on one hand, the trails are really fun with good flow, well maintained, and complex enough to keep a serious rider busy for an hour or two. But, there is the traffic noise and a good bit of sand holding back the 5 stars. On the whole its a great place for beginner-intermediate riders with a few opportunities to push the limits. thanks FOTW!

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  • markdbosma

    I'm a newbie in that I haven't mountain biked in years. This was a good starting point - although it got a little hair for me in a couple of spots.

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  • amore8smores

    I really liked this trail system, it was small but very easy to follow, even with the leaves down on the trail. Fairly flowing single track, with a few technical things here and there. It was raining the morning I was over there, and I was a little nervous about the bridges. Possibly putting chicken wire down on them would make it a bit safer in the rain (cool twisty bridges though).One of the more interesting looking trails was closed due to problems with erosion. It was easy to find as well.

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  • *****

    Well mantained burms and bridges. Good mix of ups and flowee downs.

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  • ktmillerfla

    Was in South Hero this past week, on vacation, and wanted to find some singletrack nearby. I have to acknowledge and thank The Alpine Shop in Burlington, who fixed my sister's bike's tire and then recommended this trail system. As the other reviews say; lots of super-fun singletrack through gorgeous woods with little creeks and fairly challenging climbs and descents. I didn't explore the "reds" since I had my sister with me, who has no experience riding but the "blues" were a blast. Very similar to what I regularly ride in Philly - Belmont Plateau. Overall, I'm stoked to have MTB'd VT and will ride Sunny Hollow any time I'm back in South Hero.

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  • ****

    Beautiful network of trails, especially considering the trail head is an easy ride from Burlington. Lesson learned: stay off the "U.S. Property" unless you want to get pinned on the wrong side of a barbed-wire fence with no way back to the trail. (This is well marked, I'm just an idiot!)

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  • Fitch

    I loved this place, even when it was a bit wet. Came up from rooty and rocky MA to enjoy some smooth VT, and this was it! Great flow to the easily navigatable trails, with a healthy does of climbing and descending. Switchbacks were rad, as were the berms, and the woodwork all over the place was terrific. I can't wait to hit it in the spring when dry and really enjoy it!

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  • maineskiaddict

    A pretty interesting network maintained by Fellowship of the Wheel. Something for almost everyone. Small stunts, bridges, some killer switchbacks (super tight), and some great singletrack with tons of flow. F.O.T.W. has marked everything very clearly. Hard to get lost if you stay on the marked system. It is easy, however, to venture into the Camp Johnson section of trail which is not well marked and can drop you on the base if you aren't careful.

    EDIT - FOTW has done some maintenance lately and improved the riding a bit. Some of the bridges have been widened (not by much) and the berms/ switchbacks have been made more user friendly. They rerouted a section of trail formerly known as Heart-attack hill so it can be ridden in both directions. * Review edited 8/22/2011

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  • rogerk

    Fun for an hour or so of riding, if you include the Camp Johnson trails. The FOTW has really improved the place and continues to do so.

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  • Asfyxiate

    Whoa, this was pretty neat, it's been a while since I've been on this trail. But now I'm on it all the time again. From what I understand, pre-9/11 this trail was just public and anybody rode on it, once 9/11 hit the people at Camp Johnson got a little freaked out and kinda closed the areas off, now the Fellowship of The Wheel has taken over and its public again.

    From beginner (East Loop) to expert (Moose Hill, Teardrop Loop), this place is great for all, I find it a nice place to train, being it's so close by.

    Just a heads up, it is a shared trail, so watch out for occasional hikers.

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Rider questions

Q: Is this Trail open now? I wanted to come out Monday, April 21.
A: I haven't been there in a while so I'm not sure, but I wouldn't count on it... it's still mud season pretty much everywhere in VT

Q: Can I run on this trail
A: Yes. Many people walk their dogs and/or run it.