Sweet sweet downhill from Bogus Basin to Bogus Basin Road for about 2500'. Can be sandy and hot in summer. This is a shuttle that is often connected with Eastside for a varied and exceptional ride.
First added by dauw on Sep 27, 2008. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Take Bogus Basin Road from Boise to Bogus Basin Ski Resort. Eastside Trail is accessible just below the lodge to the south and west. Eastside can also be assessed from a few drop-ins before you get to the resort. Sweet Sweet Connie begins and the end of Eastside at the big tree before Mr. Big. Sweet Sweet Connie dumps out on Bogus Basin Road at a pullout about a mile above the lower Hard Guy parking lot.
Great trail with great views. Has a 100 yard patch of rocks on flat terrain that I choose to walk ever time and also two boulder/huge rock areas that you have to carry your bike over (with minimal difficulty) but nothing too difficult on this ride. I believe this is on private property so people should try to respect the trail as much as possible.
Great trail with great views. Has a 100 yard patch of rocks on flat terrain that I choose to walk ever time and also two boulder/huge rock areas that you have to carry your bike over (with minimal difficulty) but nothing too difficult on this ride. I believe this is on private property so people should try to respect the trail as much as possible.
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