This is a relatively flat ride with one huge hill near the end. From Brush Creek Church, ride Lower Needmore to the swinging bridge on the right (about one mile from the church). Cross the bridge, turn left. Continue on Needmore. Go to the end of this road. Go left onto Tellico Road, cross bridge. Go left on Hwy. 28 N. Go up the huge hill, back down the other side. Turn left onto Lower Needmore Rd. to finish the ride. The Alternate parking spot places you at the swinging bridge. Follow the directions from here. A pretty good ride but alot of pavement. Ride this only if you are desperate for rides in this area. Beautiful scenery along the river though. I incorporate a portion of this ride 2 or three times a week it is close to where i live. Jeff wrote this before the craze of gravel riding. This ride can tie into crazy amounts of gravel if you know where to go. The ride along the little Tennessee River and other areas of Needmore Gamelands I’d just stunning.