A landscape image featuring a sparsely populated forest with a mix of evergreen and dead trees. The foreground consists of rocky terrain and low shrubs, while the background showcases tall trees under a clear blue sky. The scene conveys a sense of natural wilderness and tranquility. Tahoe Rim Trail: Spooner Summit to Kingsbury Grade mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 13 mi (20.9 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Other
Elevation: +503/ -892 ft
Total: 43 riders

Mountain Biking Tahoe Rim Trail: Spooner Summit to Kingsbury Grade

*****   Add a review
#147 of 1,004 mountain bike trails in California
#2,146 in the world

(amateur rider review): From Spooner Summit to "the bench" at the summit is mostly singletrack dirt, about 1300' of climb, none of it steep enough to be technical, but hard work. As you get higher, there are more rocks to jump, and loose scree on the top. The top offers an incredible, unobstructed view of Lake Tahoe. From "the bench" south go Kingsbury Grade is more technical with lots of trail fun, narrow slots, rock steps to jump down, and boulders to roll over. There are a few spots where the step is 1' - 2' or several in a row around sharp corners. Rock jumping potential is similar to TRT from Tahoe Meadows to Funnel Creek Road. Many people seem to prefer starting from Kingsbury Grade, riding to the summit, and back out the same way.

First added by cache on Aug 26, 2008. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From South Lake Tahoe, take highway 50 east/north 14 miles into Nevada. After passing Spooner Lake and highway 28 on the left, Spooner Summit is about a half mile further. The Tahoe Rim Trail crosses highway 50 here. There is a parking loop and trail marker. Marked with a pin in this Google Map: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&mrt=all&ie=UTF8&msa=0&ll=39.103873,-119.896116&spn=0.013521,0.013261&t=h&z=16&msid=101211166210918646780.0004556aad453957f76b3

Tahoe Rim Trail: Spooner Summit to Kingsbury Grade Trail map

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Mountain Bike Trails Near South Lake Tahoe, California

Advanced | 13 mi
Advanced | 18 mi
Beginner | 5 mi
Intermediate | 2 mi

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  • bikerjack

    great alpine singletrack

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  • chrisfroelich

    Great trail for those with good lungs. Elevation is mostly between 7500' and 8200' with a top elevation of 8400'. Combine that with some moderate climbs and it can test your fitness. If your going to shuttle, I prefer starting on the Spooner side and ending at Kingsbury parking lot. The trail seems directional to me when it comes to the technical aspects. As an intermediate rider, I can ride from Spooner to Kingsbury without bailing on all but a few features. From Kingsbury to Spooner, I have to get off my bike a couple dozen times. Weird, but true. You do give up descending about 3-4 miles of tasty flow that is on the North end when you ride this direction but that section is quite popular with hikers which interfere with the Zen like ride anyways. When you start at Spooner, be ready for some climbing to start. It's not beastly in grade, but it's fairly relentless. When you see the "bench" (literally, a log bench overlooking the lake), rest, hydrate, eat your Goo and enjoy the view for a moment. Then continue on my friends for incredible single track goodness. It's really a beautiful stretch of track. Stretches of flow, some shorter climbs, rocks, trees, views, exposure.... It's all here. Enough to keep your rapt attention, but nothing you need to be a pro or expert to finish.

    Now, if I'm not going to shuttle, I prefer to start my out and back on the other side. I go from Kingsbury to the "bench" and then turn around. That's the section with most of the fun and you don't start off with a killer climb that way. In fact, you lose it altogether. Along with the corresponding downhill, I know. But honestly, if I'm looking for flow trail after a climb there's better alternatives very close by (aka. Coral trail). Another bonus is that, except for the 0.5 miles from the parking lot to the TRT proper, this doesn't seem like a popular spot with hikers. Probably because the trailhead isn't on a major US highway.

    They have also recently completed the Sierra Canyon Trail that starts about 5 miles along the trail from Kingsbury. If you can, do it! After the best 5 miles on the regular trail, turn East at the trail marker for 9 miles of downhill pleasure. You drop about 4000' into the town of Genoa and then it's only a 15 minute drive to shuttle back up to Kingsbury. It's about 40 minutes to shuttle to Spooner from Genoa.

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  • abegold

    Get your lungs ready for 8000'. This ride is all about riding in the pines and the cool Tahoe weather.* Review edited 6/14/2011

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  • Sierradirtslayer   ✓ supporter

    Fun flowy trail. Started from Spooner summit and climbed for 5 miles, tiring climb to start. After bench, long stretches of Rocky down. Ended up going all the way to Kingsbury as a last second desicion and came all the way back. Coming back from Kingsbury was a slow techinical climb. Lots of fun to climb up steep rocks. Lots of drop potential. Overall fun trail, nice 5 mile downhill from bench back to spooner trailhead.

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