A winding dirt path leads through a green valley surrounded by hills under a clear blue sky with scattered clouds. Sparse trees dot the landscape, and distant structures are visible on the horizon, indicating a rural setting. The Bus mountain bike trail.
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Level: Advanced
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +2,056/ -297 ft
Total: 13 riders

Mountain Biking The Bus

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#26 of 256 mountain bike trails in Wyoming
#3,250 in the world

A BLM tract of land with a network of trails. There is doubletrack, singletrack, and some slickrock. The doubletrack splits the area in two and there are singletrack options on both sides, Just keep your eyes open because none of the trails are marked. Some of the singletrack is improved cow trails. Some of the trails can be rocky and some sandy. Good scenery. Make sure you drop down off of the ridge to the slickrock. There is a trail that parallels the slickrock. It is open and can be hot.

First added by dauw on Jun 29, 2008. Last updated May 4, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Take Main Street to Baldwin Creek Rd. (the last stop light in town). Take Baldwin Creek Rd. 4-5 miles until you pass a green cattle guard. Immediately after the cattle guard there is a pull off on the right side of the road. The singletrack starts across the road.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Lander, Wyoming

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  • BNielsUT

    Good trail variety, and plenty of opportunity to climb. The trails had good flow, although the trails completely lacked signage. I spent allot of time checking my GPS to make sure I knew where I was headed. Some Sandy spots that were a real Bear to pedal through.

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  • candyrapper

    Trails, trails everywhere, but not a one was marked. I was lucky to pick ones that offered maximum enjoyment (relatively easy climbs, some fun technical descents, and areas to let loose of the brakes to bomb some flow).

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  • mb8919

    I am going to be in the area around the beginning of July, I am unfamiliar with the trail and would like to know how well marked and visible the trail is. Secondly, rattlesnakes, are they a big problem up there (maybe a dumb question)? Is there ever any groups that get together at the bike shop in Lander and ride the trail?

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  • Alex Segovia

    This trail was a lot harder to run than I thought. I underestimated it. The course is actually from the trail opening to the top of Mt. Machesan is almost 10k, so you can get a 20k there and back. The elevation gain is awesome too for being a walk aways from Gate 1 in camp casey.

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  • wyoluke

    This is a nice little area, with some recent improvements including a new stretch of trail called the switchbacks. The slickrock areas provide some good techy opportunities. It would be helpful to get a map/ ride with a local.

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