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Level: Easiest
Length: 27 mi (43.5 km)
Surface: Doubletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +202/ -85 ft
Total: 35 riders
Mountain Biking The Levee
#101 of 288 mountain bike trails in Florida
Crushed rock, gravel road for government vehicles to access the Everglades National Park
First added by johngataride on Feb 25, 2015. Last updated May 3, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
- Drinking water: unknown
- Lift service: unknown
- Night riding: yes
- Pump track: unknown
- Restrooms: unknown
- Fat bike grooming: unknown
- E-bikes allowed: unknown
- Fee required: unknown
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Start at Markham Park entrance outside the gate. Ride west 1/4 mile. Second entrance point is at Loxahatchee. Another official entrance is currently being constructed at Atlantic and Sawgrass Expressway along with a parking lot to be finished August 2016.
Another levee ride..all flat..gravely..good for staying in shape..rough on the tires. Good scenery of the sawgrass and a few water birds.
Thank |Ride from Markham to Atlantic Ave parking gets you a little over 19 miles for a back and forth. Ride back and forth from Markham to US 27 gets you around 12 miles. You never stop pedaling. And for some reason it seems the wind is in your face both ways even on days that didn't seem windy.... But its a nice ride, good views, snakes and birds, and great exercise.
Thank |Flat, great for endurance training. Never ending gravel. Make sure you hydrate!
Thank |Its a Levee!!! What do you want a theme park?
Thank |Great place to ride off-road in south Florida where you don't need to buy passes or watch safety videos as with Broward County Parks. From Loxahatchee to Markham is pretty smooth gravel, vulnerable to winds. The trail going west from Atlantic is a little rougher with bigger rocks. Bring tools and plenty of water.
Thank |Also a new trail head is currently being built at the end of Atlantic, providing access for cars and bikes and a parking lot. Finished around spring 2016.
If you want to cardio train and see the Everglades, this is a great option. Is a popular trail for bike riders, hikers and dogs.
Thank |Gravel road around and through Everglades swamp.
Thank |Big spot for the local XC racers to put in some miles.
Nothing difficult about it other than the isolation. Once you are out there, there's nothing around. Make sure to bring plenty of water and charge your cell/lights.
Watch for gators!