A narrow dirt trail winding through a forest, surrounded by trees and scattered fallen leaves in shades of brown and green, indicating a tranquil, natural setting, likely during the autumn season. The Monkey Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +396/ -376 ft
Total: 96 riders

Mountain Biking The Monkey Trail

*****   Add a review
#5 of 51 mountain bike trails in Louisiana
#994 in the world

10 miles of flowing single track with some descent climbs for Louisiana. Lots of technical sections yet still a fast trail. A couple of short jaunts on fire roads but nearly all single track with several oportunities for some good air. Rolling whoops to float your front over . All around fun trail. Crosses the entrance road a time or two making it accessible to beginners. Trail is about a 10 mile loop. The only thing to be aware of is the park hours Wed thru Sat 8-5 Sunday 1-5. Monday and Tuesday, closed.

First added by PhospheneVoyeur on Jan 23, 2006. Last updated May 1, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Eddie B. Jones Caddo Parish Park: From I-20 & I-49 junction, go I-49S to Bert Kouns (Industrial Loop or Outer Loop), go west (right) to Hwy. 171 (Mansfield Road), go south (left) two blocks (second stop light), turn right on Hwy. 525 (Colquitt Road) for 10.4 miles to Spring Ridge. Turn south (left) on Hwy. 169, go 1.1 miles to Hwy. 789 (Caution: The turn off is in the middle of a DANGEROUS 90 Degree Curve!) Go 2.7 miles. Make a right turn into the park just past a small white wooden country church. Follow the black top to the equipment barns. The trail head is just on the oppsite side of where you entered the parking lot on the far west side. NOTE: If you get to the Prison Entrance you went about a 1/4 mile too far south! There are several ways to get there but this is the most generic. Here are a couple of other routes you might consider. a. From west: Take Hwy. 169 at Greenwood, i.e. it goes right into Spring Ridge. You have to go into Greenwood via Hwy. 80 to find Hwy. 169. b. From I-20 and Industrial Loop: Go south on Industrial Loop to the third stop light. Make a hard right turn in front of the Fire Station followed by a hard left turn on Woolworth road. This take you to Hwy. 525. Turn right on Hwy. 525 to Spring Ridge. c. If all else fails, dial UTM 04-12-795, 35-70-483 into your GPS. This will take you to the entry, i.e. a church on the corner of the entry road and Hwy. 789. Use datum NAD 83 in zone 15.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Shreveport, Louisiana

Intermediate | 9 mi

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  • ireiman

    The Monkey Trail is some serious fun and definitely some of the best riding in this part of the country. The trail is filled with quick transitions between short descents and short climbs and plenty of rooty technical sections along the way. The last mile or so is no joke, tons of technical rooty uphills in a row. The trail system itself is set up really nice, the hiking and biking trail are lined up together but then as a cyclist you leave the hiking trail to go off and ride loops that then come back and meet up with the hiking trail. The equestrian trail is almost completely separate and unless somebody goes down the wrong path you shouldn't encounter any horses except at the occasional trail intersection. Overall I would definitely recommend this trail to anybody in this part of the country.

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  • MTBCrash29   ✓ supporter

    Great trail for the area! Fast, singletrack with lots of opportunity. Technical obstacles, short climbs, fast descents. Trail crosses itself several times and opens to firebreak style roads at times, wish it were marked with signs at intersections and junctions so I am not looking for the next section. Overall a great trail with everything this area has to offer.

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  • morgan.aagesen

    The Monkey Trails is a nice ride with enough technical sections to make it interesting. We went on a day immediately after rain and had the extra challenge of slick mud and plenty of puddles. The trail is well maintained and well marked with nice restrooms at the trail head. Just don't forget that on Sunday it opens late!

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  • Kylej86

    Excellent trail. Very well kept.

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  • CollegeRider

    First 9 miles is fast and flows with great climbs and descents. Mile 10 is not for the weak.

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  • 52lakerider

    Rode this trail for first time today .Best local trail i've ridden so far . Very comparable to Bodcau but longer with an awesome technical section toward the end . No trees down and slightly damp conditions made for a great ride .

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  • amorganlpn

    Love this trail. If you have ridden Bodcau you should really get over and check this trail out. Reminded me of the front trail at Bodcau only much more of it. Trail was clean as of 9-2-13 when I rode it last. Very well marked trail with signs, has a short trail and a long trail that is very well marked. All in all this trail is one of my new favorites. Look forward to getting back to it.

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  • johnalien

    Actually, from easy to advanced, depending on the section. Ridden here several times with friends. Always worth the trip. For some reason, this trail WANTS you to push it. Go hard or go home, lol! If you don't leave this trail with a smile, bruise or both, you should move to Canada & take up curling. This trail rocks!

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  • KonaStorm

    Also, known as "Chimp Haven". This trail is awesome! I head out there regularly! After a good rain, you get nice and muddy! Good balance of ups and downs. Technicality is common around these parts! Watch out for horse riders, they think they own the place. I say you try this trail out with a friend or two and have fun! There are beginner and intermediate routes/trails. So, don't get too worried about little ones if you decide to head out there!

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  • *****

    I love this trail, a friend brought me and let me ride his old bike. Afterwards I was hooked on mtb-ing. The trail is always well maintained and you can take some of the shorter routes if stressed for time, sunlight, or physical condition. It will always hold a special place in my heart.

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  • GTXC4

    Excellent trail and great ride. The only thing that I would change is the roots. Do the whole thing, it's worth it. New photos posted. Take care.

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  • GTXC4

    I'm from Omaha, Nebraska and I go mountain bike riding a lot. Just about everyday. I'm used to good size climbs and descents, with some rock, trail through creeks, and some technical.

    Monkey Trail is a blast. It was fun and definitely worth bringing the bike to try it out. The course is well maintained and laid out. Granted there is plenty of land for this, still MAJOR RESPECT for Doug and the rest of people that help keep this place going. I can easily understand why people drive from Dallas and New Orleans to ride this place. There some places to get some real good speed, well placed jumps, and just all out fun. The climbs aren't too bad. For me at least, but I worked to get to the point I am at, so don't be discouraged. I will definitely ride this again before I leave town. Well worth the time.

    I highly recommend this trail, especially if you are in the area. Great for group rides or alone, like me lol. I don't know anyone here that rides.

    For overall pleasure, fun, great maintenance and layout, well placed jumps, well marked out, and nice ups and downs, I'm giving this place a 5. This place is just... cool. NOTE: ALL MY PHOTOS TAKEN OCT 30, 2011* Review edited 10/30/2011

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  • dapolanddon

    This trail is great very well mapped from the beginning. Signage throughout the trail for first timers. Jumps and berms scattered throughout to make for one fun day of riding. Showers and bathrooms when finished. Lots of wooden bridges and technical terrain. Great scenery and can be ridden at high speed with the right determination. Great for group rides followed by relaxing camping.

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  • ForestS

    This trail flows so nice and is abs***ely a blast. So fun that I make the 2.5 hour drive from The Dallas, TX area. Longer flowing technical downhills than anywhere around the Dallas are.

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  • kvidrine1

    Lots of fun switchbacks. Pretty easy trail, looking forward to riding it again!

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  • e0119598

    i rode this trail on sunday(11-4-07) and i was amazed!!!!this is by far the best trail i've been on in LOUISIANA.....it's beginner friendly yet towards the end of the trail it gets extremely technical......it will put any rider to the test........has some great ups and dpwns too......if you're ever in the area i would highly recommend this trail!!!!!!

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Rider questions

Q: Can you hike the trail instead of bike?
A: Yes, you can hike run and some days, horseback