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Level: Beginner
Length: 3 mi (4.8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +141/ -135 ft
Total: 21 riders
Mountain Biking The Trails At Fontanel
#92 of 201 mountain bike trails in Tennessee
The Trails wind through the woods under a shaded canopy of trees which brings you up close to nature and the abundant wildlife that calls Fontanel home. This two and half mile path is well maintained but not paved. Mountain bikers will enjoy a sprint loop that is mostly a single tract with above average climbs and decent descents. Along the way, you will enjoy the beauty of Whites Creek
and a glorious view of Fontanel Mansion. The Trails are open 7 days a week, from dawn till dusk. The Trails are rated at an intermediate level.
First added by tberryman2 on Jun 12, 2012. Last updated May 2, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
- Drinking water: unknown
- Lift service: unknown
- Night riding: unknown
- Pump track: unknown
- Restrooms: unknown
- Fat bike grooming: unknown
- E-bikes allowed: unknown
- Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
4225 Whites Creek Pike
Nashville, TN 37189
(615) 724-1600
Please park in the paved parking lot and follow the path by Whites Creek. Once you cross the bridge the road will lead you to The Trails on your left.
I'm brand new to the MTB world and this was the first trail I rode. The trail started off with a tough climb, but I'm new and out of shape! After that, it wasn't too bad. I got a good workout and had fun. The only problems I encountered were a few muddy places deeper into the loop. Also, there were a few deeper rutted washed out areas near some of the zip lines. This trail is good for rookies. There's also benches every so often for us out of shape riders! The paved greenway heading back to the parking lot is a nice cool down.
Thank |Very easy, no obstacles whatsoever. Great for first time riders. Two switch backs and that's it. Two mile track. Not bad for a work out because of the constant up and down, but there are not any major climbs, just a lot of little ones.
Thank |Uhh no this trail would not challenge a rider beyond the beginner level. Not sure what you're talking about.
Thank |This trail is very okay. It lacks diversity, signage, and is very Bland. Mostly hill, downhill is not very fast, just not really exciting. The trail runs along a Frolf course and is very wide, the terrain is dirt mostly, but has a few spots with gravel and mulch. I'm pretty sure I did it all and just wasnt impressed, might return to double check.
Thank |perfect description above, that is: "Decent descents, with above average climbs..." Only a few spots (descents) on this trail warrant the "intermediate" rating, as the rest of it is beginner. Pretty wooded area though.
Thank |