Length: 4 mi (6.4 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Connector
Elevation: -
Total: 1 riders

Mountain Biking Thunderbolt Mountain Pass

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#35 of 70 mountain bike trails in Mongolia
#8,744 in the world

This is a 3.6 mile (5.8km) long connector trail. It connects between the Long Tree Mountain Pass Trail and the Ash Mountain Trail. It is about 2.8 mile between the two trails, and there is about 3/4 of a mile of trail that overlaps with the Ash Mountain trail near the trailhead and main road. It is a mix of singletrack and two track, but more singletrack. Thunderbolt Mountain is to the SSE of the trail as you crest the pass. It is about a 2 mile (3.2km) climb from the road to the top of the pass and a 1.6 mile (2.6km) descent on the river side of the pass to Lone Tree Mountain Pass Trail. Either direction is good ride. It is worth riding as an out and back because both downhills are very good.

First added by mongwolf on Apr 17, 2018. Last updated Apr 17, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
You can pick up this trail on the main road from Ulaanbaatar to Nalaikh or from inside the trail system off of Lone Tree Mountain Pass trail. The main trailhead is 7.7 km (4.8mi) from the east gate (Bayanzurkh Tovchoo) of Ulaanbaatar. This trailhead is at the intersection/turn to Bumbat Camp. Bumbat camp is south side of the road. The trail is on the north side of the road.

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  • mongwolf

    I love this trail. There is some great riding here -- fast flowy singletrack in a beautiful setting. The first 3/4 of a mile from the main THD off the road is a open and barren, but then the trail enters a nestled little valley and heads up to the pass. Once it enters this little valley, it is a beautiful setting. Be prepared for a couple of hike-a-bike sections as it does get steep near the top in both directions. But this just means there is more speed awaiting you. I don't know what it is, but this trail seems so charming to me.

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