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Level: Intermediate
Length: 13 mi (20.9 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +1,033/ -1,925 ft
Total: 25 riders
Mountain Biking Tire Mountain
#49 of 308 mountain bike trails in Oregon
This is very good singletrack that is 90% swoopy, downhill fun (little short uphills). There are many changes in the forest from open wildflower slopes to old growth forest. The Tire Mtn. section is great singeltrack with a bridge crossings and tight switchbacks. Cloverpatch is a bit underridden (bushes and flowers growing over in areas), but easy to follow. Another option instead of Cloverpatch is to continue on to Winberry Divide to Eugene to Crest, but this would be a shuttle ride (well worth it!).
First added by schril on Jul 6, 2009. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
- Drinking water: unknown
- Lift service: unknown
- Night riding: unknown
- Pump track: unknown
- Restrooms: unknown
- Fat bike grooming: unknown
- E-bikes allowed: unknown
- Fee required: unknown
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Whether you shuttle(100% singletrack) or ride a loop (70% singletrack), follow directions for Alpine Trail to Windy Pass (see earlier post). The start of Tire Mountain is approx. 1.6 miles down the Alpine trail from Windy Pass (rt. at log sign), 6 miles down takes you to Cloverpatch (left), 5 miles down takes you out to FS Rd. 5826 (rt) 3 miles downhill to FS RD. 5821(lft./North Shore Rd) 6 miles back to Westfir. Stop by Willamette Mountain Mercantile in Oakridge, buy a map, and they can easily show you the directions.
Stunningly beautiful views as you traverse across open mountain meadows filled with wild flowers and panoramic shots of the mountains across he valley. Trail was well built for the traverse then the transition into the woods for a few miles of intense descending and wild switchbacks made for hot brake rotors and a great Go Pro video. All around I loved this trail and will definitely do it again someday.
Thank |I haven't ridden everywhere but this is quite possibly the best single trail I've ever ridden. That Oregon dirt is pretty awesome. This trail just went on and on and on with super fast, flowy singletrack. The scenery is so awesome that you want to take it all in but need to keep your eyes on the trail.
We did the Alpine-Tire Mtn-Clover loop and the huge negative there was the 6.5 mile fire road run-out. We'll definitely be back when we have time to ride all week in Oakridge.
Thank |The lower section of Alpine Trail (from the shelter down) is currently closed due to fire damage. Most loop riders are opting for the still-open Alpine to Tire to Cloverpatch cicuit.
Update:It's back open!
Thank |The current T.H. location on the map is actually the T.H. for a section of the Alpine Trail. You have to ride down it (toward Westfir) about a mile and a half to reach the Tire Mtn. T.H. on the right. You can out-and-back from there to Tire Mountain, then continue downhill to on the Alpine trail to the Office Bridge Parking lot, or take the Tire Mountain Trail to Cloverpatch as described above.* Review edited 1/23/2012
* Review edited 9/24/2012
Thank |