A mountain biker performing a maneuver on a wooden pump track in a wooded area, with lush green trees in the background and sunlight filtering through the leaves. The biker is wearing a helmet and riding a mountain bike, navigating the curved wooden structure designed for speed and skill. Tom Brown / Lafayette Heritage Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 5 mi (8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +620/ -393 ft
Total: 205 riders

Mountain Biking Tom Brown / Lafayette Heritage Park

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#8 of 288 mountain bike trails in Florida
#333 in the world

This is the trail that Florida State Championships comes to yearly in Tallahassee. It has been described as being as tough as the Olympics Park Trail in Atlanta. It is a fun trail with plenty of ups and downs, however, recently the city has been closing off sections for maintenance. When it is open, it is great.

First added by Baneamofe on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated May 8, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
I-10 to HWY-90 west, turn left (south) on 319 (Capitol Circle), go a little more than 1/2 mile and turn left on Easterwood Dr, go about 3/4 mile and turn left at the BMX track.
System trails (4)
Intermediate difficultyBill's Trail****1 mi
Intermediate difficultyEast Cadillac*****2 mi
Beginner difficultyLoblolly Loop***1 mi
Intermediate difficultyMagnolia****4 mi
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Cadillac Trail at Tom Brown Park
2010 FSC#1 Tom Brown Park, Tallahassee,FL
FSC Rd #1 Tom Brown Park,…
Tom Brown Tuesday Ride, Tallahassee Florida
Tom Brown Park
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Tallahassee, Florida

Intermediate | 1 mi
Beginner | 3 mi
Advanced | 1 mi
Advanced | 3 mi

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  • Richard Shoop
    Reviewing East Cadillac:

    This is an excellent flow trail that rides like a roller coaster through the woods. It has good drainage so it can be ridden after a rain storm.

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  • Richard Shoop
    Reviewing Loblolly Loop:

    If you ride it west to east, it isn't a big deal. However, when you ride it east to west, it has a lot of climbs that wear on you and make it challenging.

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  • xbd
    Reviewing Bill’s Trail:

    Short, but is always a good time. I usually hit this trail after riding the East Cadillac trail. It seems to be a lot more fun when you're heading East-to-West direction. Some decent roots sections, cool scenery that feels prehistoric at times, and never crowded. You can ride the West Cadillac trails to Bill's Trail, over the pedestrian bridge (worth checking out if you haven't seen it..it's big and over a railroad track), then connect to the East Cadillac trails, making a giant loop of really fun trails.

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  • xbd
    Reviewing East Cadillac:

    This place is the bee's knees. There are water fountains, a warmup pump track, a long tree-balance beam, bikewash station, and bathrooms all in the parking lot (also a kids playground and picnic tables for the rest of the fam). The trail itself is great, probably my favorite loop in Tallahassee. Has a great flow to it, plenty of roots and dips, a few fun obstacles randomly throughout, a decent drop-to-slope which dumps out onto the natural bridge between two lakes (beautiful, especially near sunset), a technical concrete descent, and all around beautiful scenery. Easy access to West Cadillac trails, Bill's Trail, and JR Alford Greenway trails (all of which are fun and worth the trip). All n all, I love this place and is usually my go-to for afternoon rides.

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  • KatzenJammer
    Reviewing Bill’s Trail:

    Nice, fun little flowy singletrack section that runs along one side of Lake Lafayette. Using Bill's Trail, you can circumnavigate Lake Lafayette in combination with Cadillac Trail or the multiuse trail. On weekends though you will encounter a lot of walkers on this section so go during the week or earlier on a weekend day for max enjoyment.

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  • Ron Williams

    Being somewhat of a noob this was a tough track. Got gassed pretty quick but there was lot of challenges that would be piece of cake to more experienced riders

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  • Kenny Koon

    It has been raining, so the trail is soft in places and the roots are slick.

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  • Adam Alterman

    Lots of tree roots but something for everyone. Lots of features on trails. Good connections with other trails.

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  • Scott T. Cramer

    Direction to this trail within this app actually take you to a different park that connects to the Cadillac trails and then to Tom Brown. However, some of the best trails I've ridden in Florida to get to Tom Brown. I ride Santos regularly and these trails have a different flow and feel which is a awesome change.

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  • rocketbracket
    Reviewing Magnolia:

    nice twisty singletrack.
    wally wall is just icing on the cake.

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  • rocketbracket

    This trail has almost everything for mountain/trail rider.

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  • 29r Frank

    Awsome trails, great inclines and drops, great pump track. Lots of fun must do if in the area. Best trail system in Tally.

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  • aewynn0915
    Reviewing East Cadillac:

    probably my favorite section of cadilac real fun with some technical stuff if u want it

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  • jeffrey_j

    I've been wanting to go here for about 5 years since I live in Jacksonville (just over 2 hour drive) and it's definitely a fun trail. Like I usually say for anything more than a 2 hour drive away...drive north for 4 hours and you can get not only fun trails, but AWESOME trails. That being said it will be a while before I head back, but would like to visit again one day. If I lived in Tally would love having these trails close by!

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  • krow272   ✓ supporter
    Reviewing Magnolia:

    Pretty decent little trail to loop together with East & West Cadillac, maybe part of Alford Greenway or even Fern Trail and Kohl's Trail nearby. Subtle climbs, some roots but not overly technical, anything major has a bypass next to it.

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  • climb_head

    This trail is decent but really short. The description states 5 miles which seems about right. You can ride around in circles to try to add more miles. A lot of this trail is BMX style with really tight little turns winding back and forth through the woods, trying to add mileage to this little trail system I guess. It's worth riding if you're in the area.

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  • sprodj

    This is a great spot for riding in Florida, glad I hit this up on my way through Tallahassee. The trail has nice flow for getting up speed as well as several manmade features along the ride that advanced riders will enjoy. If you get the chance, don't miss it!

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  • Hap Proctor   ✓ supporter

    Lots of fun packed in these trails. Singletracks have options for "expert" riders or easier ride arounds that allow everyone to put in miles. Plenty of roots, rocks and drop offs to keep everyone entertained. Also available is a wide smooth doubletrack trail for raw beginners or anyone looking for a casual ride.

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  • VPJ

    Love this system. It sits in the middle of several trails (both dedicated and mixed use) of varied difficulty. If you're looking for a tight, technical track, a free ride area, or just some relaxing cross country riding, this is a very good location.

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Rider questions

Q: Are there Bike friendly hotels in Tallahassee?