A serene forest scene featuring tall trees with lush green foliage, beside a small wooden bridge over shallow water. A directional trail marker is visible on the bark of a tree, indicating a path through the peaceful, swampy area. The scene captures the tranquil beauty of a natural, wetland habitat. Tom Triplet mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 5 mi (8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Other
Elevation: +630/ -835 ft
Total: 98 riders

Mountain Biking Tom Triplet

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#112 of 406 mountain bike trails in Georgia
#2,875 in the world

Trail is mostly flat . Some minor up's and downs,ditch crossings. old rice dikes remnants of old liquor stills old home site.Old Savannah Ogeechee barge canal.Wildlife and other park recreation.

First added by alvin.santoy on Jan 1, 2003. Last updated May 10, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
"I95 and UShwy80. go east on UShwy80 approx. 2.5 miles. Look for Tom Triplet Park sign on your right.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Pooler, Georgia

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  • jstack11

    A beginner trail. Terrible after the rain. Does not dry quickly. Very twisty. Hardly any elevation change or even any difference in terrain. Might be better after 2 weeks of sun

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  • macflag

    Ran trail counter clock wise

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  • Trent Burns

    Spent a lot of time exploring here. This is what i learned. If you head in the direction the trail suggests, you will encounter swamp. Head in the reverse direction and you will get 5 miles of dry riding. The trails are poorly marked and the map is only semi useful, regardless of direction. The trails are also poorly maintained. You can tell though, if the trails were taken care of, it would be a fun ride. Rides as a low end intermediate trail due to the roots and occasional downed tree.

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  • 1954fatire

    Not maintaining the trail.
    Not being used.

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  • mtbyakangler

    This is a Beginner trail that rides as Intermediate right now. There are several detours because of hurricane debris, and certain sections are closed. SEGA-SORBA has done a pretty good job marking the detours with signs. Some of the signs are just their logo. But there is some sections where the trail disappeared, took me a minute to find it again.

    It is flowy in some spots, there is a muddy section very early in the ride, but it's the only spot. They detour around the other bad areas. The reason I think this rides more intermediate is the obstacles. You need to be comfortable clearing downed trees, navigating tight twisty sections that are heavily rooted. Mostly covered by pine straw and the roots "jump up and get you".

    There is a technical crossing by the Lock, or Lock 3. It's an abandoned brick lock from an old barge canal. The trail detours to the right. But this can be sessioned before you ride on. It's much more difficult in one direction. Pretty fun and rewarding if you nail it.

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  • concretevol

    For the most part pretty fun but poorly marked trails. Beware of the "Autobahn" which apparently is German for "muddy swamp". Lol.

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  • Hap Proctor   ✓ supporter

    Ride for only a short distance before encountering the well documented flooding problem. Found myself riding along the disc golf course.

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  • CFM   ✓ supporter

    Trail holds water creating small mudholes everywhere. Dry parts of the trail were interesting but we only rode for a short time before bailing because of the numerous wet spots. I don't know if this trail can ever dry out because of the terrain. Signage was difficult to interpret.

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  • **

    I was expecting the trail to be a little muddy but I was riding through a swamp. The parts that were a little dry was nothing but big roots

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  • LStadelmeier   ✓ supporter

    The lack of elevation change should be expected in this coastal area, however the trail markings left me confused. I crossed a big log, and the trail disappeared. I will not be back to this trail...As a matter of fact, I left my bike at home on the last trip.

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  • Raf Raf

    Fun trail with bends and twists. Try to stay on the trail or you'll find spiderwebs on your face. Go fast or bring bug spray. I had fun and would go back again. Its a good beginner trail.

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  • ittakes2freestyle

    Tom triplet in Pooler. Tight, twisty, flat and LOTS of roots. No ups and downs at all. No technical sections I could find. Took a trail to a downed tree. Went over the tree and the trail disappeared. Had to double back and go another way. Glad I went in the afternoon or it looks like I woulda been clearing spiderwebs the whole time. Thanks to whoever went in the morning for doing that.

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  • KleinGuy

    Lots of roots and tight areas. It's pretty much all flat, but all of the roots and everything keep you constantly pedaling. It's getting a lot nicer bc the SEGA-SORBA chapter has been doing a lot of work to it. There is now a kiosk and signage up on the trail. Still lots of fun even though its in south Georgia!

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  • jrerickson724

    I gave this an intermediate rating only because of the 1.7 million roots that require navigation. I took a beating on my 29er hardtail. This is a very flat and windy trail - tight in some spots. The trail head is located right at the entrance to the park which is right off of US 80. Yes it is wet in spots - probably about 50 to 100 yards total. These areas are literally the low spots in a marsh. I can't see as they would ever dry out completely. If this were my local track I would do my best to build some bridges over these areas. I drove 43 miles from Hilton Head to ride this. Best I can say is that it will do in a pinch. It didn't leave me hooting and hollering like an awesome singletrack will. Kudos to those who made the best from what was available.

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  • BennyBlanco

    This and Skidaway Island's Priest Landing trail are my two favorites in Savannah. Maps of both are at http://pageben.com/bike/

    This one is less scenic and more of a workout. Plenty of twists and turns, narrow sections through the trees, and a whole lot of roots to bounce over. Sometimes the roots can be a pain, but it is a path through the woods...

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  • bobrocke

    There are an number of very narrow trail points (trees close on each side), some sharp turns at the bottom of steep little hills, and lots of roots. It was tougher than I was expecting.

    The first half of the trail was well marked, the second half was not.* Review edited 9/29/2012

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  • dracflamloc

    Trail was in good condition with some amusing (optional) log structures and some hills that can be fun in spots ( its savannah, so at least there is something! ). Its simplicity allows my asthmatic wife to still enjoy mtb'ing with me.

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  • ***

    Yes, it has a lot of roots and you bang into a small tree or two. But it is fun and worth checking out. Several technical obstacles just to keep you on your toes.

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  • jseagrove

    For me this was a very technical trail. Very tight trails with trees on each side and a lot of twist and turns. I could really never get and speed going cause of all the turn and trees. Very very very bumby cause of all the roots. The trail was marked on every turn which was very nice. I never got lost. I still had fun and will ride this trail again, but just dont expect to be able to ride fast on this trail and watch out for trees. * Review edited 9/20/2011

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  • lchildress

    My 10yr old son and I rode the trail this morning. He used his Trek220 and we both really enjoyed the trail. Part of the Ogeechee Canal Lock system is visible which was really neat. I went over the bars about 100yds in he thought that was pretty funny. This was our first trail so we don't have a lot to go on but I was impressed with the trail. So for us it gets a Sweet rating because it beats the hood anyday.

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