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Level: Intermediate
Length: 2 mi (3.2 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +280/ -257 ft
Total: 34 riders

Mountain Biking Torrey Pines Loop

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#266 of 1,005 mountain bike trails in California
#3,483 in the world

Located in Torrey Highlands Park, a somewhat rough singletrack with good elevation (up to 15% grade) changes that will test all but the stoutest and fittest. Ride includes stair stepped switchbacks, rocky patches, sand and catcus gardens. Can connect to Lagoon & Sword Way trails in Gonzales Canyon for a 6 mile loop. West trail returns to trail head parking lot with a trip through the "dog park" area . The loop is intersected north/south by a utility/fireroad that can also be used. Hidden gem in San Diego area. Two hour parking limit during mid day.

First added by Hap Proctor on Nov 7, 2014. Last updated May 10, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: yes
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
I-5 to Del Mar Heights Road (exit # 34). East one mile and left on Lansdale Drive. 1/4 mile to Torrey Highlands Park. Trail Head is just across park road from restrooms.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Del Mar, California

Intermediate | 1 mi
Beginner | 10 mi
Intermediate | 6 mi
Beginner | 7 mi

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  • C-Lo

    I did a quick ride on this trail and had a lot of fun. There is a lot to offer in this little area. The only thing I didn't like was the two hour parking limit.

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  • austinmorgn

    While this trail will check your fitness level there are other trail in the area to choose first. Trail has steep stairstepped grades with tire grabbing sand at the bottom. Always lots of walkers or horses on the trail. You can extend the trail but not work the effort.

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  • Araujo

    very nice and technical single track trail, but it is to short. I was able to extend it a bit by riding to Gonzalez trail however that trail is flat and boring.
    Anyway I would ride it again whenever I am pressed by time. I did not see anybody at Torrey Pines loop, but run into a few hikers, runners and horse riders at Gonzalez trail.

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  • Hap Proctor   ✓ supporter

    Located in Torrey Highlands Park, a somewhat rough singletrack with good elevation (up to 15% grade) changes that will test all but the stoutest and fittest. Ride includes stair stepped switchbacks, rocky patches, sand and catcus gardens. Can connect to Lagoon & Sword Way trails in Gonzales Canyon for a 6 mile loop. West trail returns to trail head parking lot with a trip through the "dog park" area . The loop is intersected north/south by a utility/fireroad that can also be used. Hidden gem in San Diego area. Two hour parking limit during mid day.

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