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Level: Beginner
Length: 1.4 mi (2.3 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +22/ -25 ft
Total: 100 riders
Mountain Biking Tortoise Trail
#74 of 406 mountain bike trails in Georgia
This is the easiest trail at Chicopee, and is directional. Check the signs to see which way to enter depending on which day it is. You'll have to ride this trail to access any of the other trails in the system (excluding the Coyote loop). The trail is very fast and bermed out, and also fairly wide with little climbing.
First added by Greg Heil on Aug 4, 2010. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
- Drinking water: unknown
- Lift service: unknown
- Night riding: unknown
- Pump track: unknown
- Restrooms: unknown
- Fat bike grooming: unknown
- E-bikes allowed: unknown
- Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
I-85N to I-985, Exit 16-Oakwood/Dawsonville. Take a left/west off the exit ramp. Immediately turn right/north at the stoplight onto Frontage Road. Follow the little brown signs to Elachee Nature Center. There is a bike parking lot past the golf course.
Fun beginner loop. Also used as a connector to the rest of the trail system.
Thank |Fall weather, hard pack with lose on top. Lower tire pressures work best for grip.
Thank |Great begginer track. Very smooth and can build speed. One direction so you don't have to worry about people coming your way for the most part. Nice way to get to the other more advanced trails.
Thank |This is a great trail and i would rate it a 5 but the maps that are on the trail are old and faded to were you cant see where the trails connect at and where the you are dot is so much so that my friend and i got lost.
Thank |Fairly level,easy, directional, fast single track. You have to use this to access the rest of the trail system so watch out for slower moving traffic.
Thank |Good beginner trail at Chicopee woods that would be great for any age or level of rider. If you're a parent trying to get your kids on single track for the first time then come here.
Thank |Tortoise Trail is a great warm up for the rest of Chicopee. It doesn't have anything overly technical or overly hard hitting. Really allows you to get in a quick lap to get all the blood flowing and warmed up to hit the rest of the Trails. I like to hit it up as my cool down. Ironically it is the entry and exit trail so it is nearly impossible to ride Chicopee without hitting Tortoise, unless you just run on Coyote/Devils Backbone. But, then you've wasted a good trip to Chicopee.
Thank |Very nice buff beginner trail and good warm up to the rest of the trails. Lots of fun and not technical.
Thank |Good starter trail. Gives you a nice warmup before you get to the outer loop.
Thank |Beginner trail, but the "Tortoise" rock feature is a lot of fun! Crucial connector trail to the rest of the trail system.
Thank |This would be your beginner loop if you ride the Chicopee trail system. Access right out of the parking lot, it links up to White Tail loop and which serves as the gateway to most of the other trails. At only ~3 miles long, even a first time rider can handle this loop. A few roots here and there keep things interesting but, like most beginner trails, technical challenge is VERY limited. Keep your eyes open as the trail is directional given the day of the week.
Thank |