Trail 4 is a two-mile trek that will take you away from Haul Road. It has an overall grade that's more up than down. Climbing gingerly towards the beginning of Trails 5, 6, 10, Heaven & Hell, and Session you'll have the occasional downhill slope and gully dip. Other features include a log roll over, wall ride and creek crossing. Following immediately after the creek is a challenging rocky climb affectionately named "Heartbreak Hill." Climbing this hill is the first real test of your ability. Be sure to choose your line carefully, shift gears and use proper body positioning to keep traction. With this combination, you'll be up Heartbreak in no time.
When you reach the end of Trail 4, several choices are available to you. Either continue directly onto Trail 5, then Playground Loop or take the connector trail to Trails 6, 10, Heaven & Hell, or Session. For those who need to return to the main trailhead, an exit is available, which takes you to the back lot parking area. The main trailhead is an easy one-and-a-half-mile road ride to the south. To get there, follow these steps: