A view from the handlebars of a mountain bike, showing a winding dirt trail through a sunlit forest with green grass and scattered trees. Tranquility mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 6 mi (9.7 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +414/ -96 ft
Total: 122 riders

Mountain Biking Tranquility

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#2 of 36 mountain bike trails in Nebraska
#1,180 in the world

Tranquility Park has seen a lot of improvement over the years and is now a well-developed and frequented trail system in the Omaha area. It features a little over nine and half miles of easy to moderate single-track. Trails vary from exposed prairie climbs to flowy downhills with berms and small jumps. The park is separated into two sections - North and South. The South section is where the tennis courts and ice-skating pavilion are located. This five-mile section has the elevation, berms and jumps with sections such as; Summit Climb, Roller Coaster to SW Downhill, Ridgelines, Difficult Decent with Jumps and Nice Bumps Brah! The North Section, known as the North Loop, is a flat three-mile, out and back loop that runs adjacent the Baseball fields. Even though there isn't much for elevation and excitement on this section it is a nice tack-on of mileage if you are looking for more of a workout. There are a couple of areas that hold interest however and it is worth the commute - especially the fast and flowy sections in the trees called North West Downhill. The park hosts the annual Tranquility Trail Tantrum in the Psycowpath Racing Series. It is a very well-kept trail maintained by the local Trails Have Our Respect (THOR) non-profit mountain bike advocacy group. If you are a frequent user of this trail system consider making a donation to help with maintenance and improvements at http://trailshaveourrespect.org

First added by woodiebikes777 on May 19, 2005. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From I-80 and Maple st. head west to the Tranquility Ice Plex entrance, drive to the middle parking lot (west end) for the trial head. From I-80 and Fort st. go west to 126th and turn south. The dead end in front of you is the trail head.

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Tranquility Park Mountain Bike Trails Omaha…
Tranquility Park tech section, Omaha, NE
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Omaha, Nebraska

Beginner | 9 mi

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  • agirlcyclist

    Highly used trail by locals, it is 9 miles long if you ride the north section. One way trail, good signage. New table tops added recently. Blue trail, good for a skill levels.

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  • Patrick Jensen

    Good trail that is consistently getting better. Great for novice riders, first of the season rides to get your bike handling skills back or a nice workout after work.

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  • c-hawkzROLL

    Tranquility is my home track. I live 2 miles from it. sometimes I ride there and back. The guys at THOR take Greta care of it. I've been riding on and off here for 6 years. There are some areas where the ruts have gotten deep and roots are bad but it's not terrible. Since I first started riding the they have added many new loops. A few years ago they added a new 3 mile loop. The trail is just over 9 miles long and easy enough to do a few laps if you have the time. Most trails around here are short. Tranquility is nice because it gives you something for everyone.

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  • giantman25

    Fun trail. No steep climbs, but the majority of it is going from gradual climbing to flat terrain. Not too many descents until about 3.5-4 miles in. Advanced sections are fun. Good portion of trail is out in the open. Very good trail for beginners and intermediate riders.

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  • tacokiller07

    This trail is pretty nice and easy as most people stated the climb does wind up which is kind of boring but once your at the top it is one heck of a ride down!

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  • MountainBiker369

    It's a good trail to hit over and over, I like the log jumps and the fast downhill action, although, some of the environment is "forgotten", it is still a great trail.

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  • Scott737

    It was my first ride at this location and I find this is a fun place. I can see why it's popular for Omaha people. It has nice stability elevation to give the mtb riders the balance of challenging and enjoyable ride down hill with curving trails.

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  • DayInTheLife

    getting a little word down, not as fun anymore.

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  • Anthony Nocita

    Great trail all around fun to ride up the hills though it is a pain it pays off when you reach the top

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  • DayInTheLife

    I have ridden this trail over 20 times, never gets old. The dirt here is starting to become bad so new ways have been added. Some climbing near the ice rink and you're off its like a roller coaster!

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  • Johna30305

    Entertaining 6-mile ride! This trail has a little bit of everything, dirt, prairie grass, mud, shade, sunny, hills, flats, cranes, rabbits, squirrels, and meadowlarks. It's a true Nebraska experience.

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  • *****

    Who knew that a gem like this could exist in an urban area. The trail is well marked and maintained. Lots of good riding to be had. My new favorite trail.

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  • beanburrito11

    This trail is a good one! Starting out at the iceplex (about 124th and maple for out of towners like me) starts out on a hill. Starting out, I wasn't that impressed. I was seeing more bunnies than bunny hills. But once you get out of the field and into the trees its nice. My suggestion is to take the trails marked difficult. They are that difficult plus youll have more fun. If you come to a fork in the road, take the right fork unless a sign is leading you the other way(i believe there is only one instance of this). Taking the right fork makes for a much more scenic and longer ride. And last, if it looks like a shortcut, it probably is. Stick to the main trail and you get a longer ride. Happy riding!

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  • jsr4566

    This is a great trail for beginners with some intermediate level options available. The trail is used a lot and well-maintained by the local trail group called THOR. It is relatively flat, but does include a couple of long climbs, which are followed by some fun, flowy downhill action. It is surrounded by the city, but you will totally forget you are in Omaha. There are also quite a few log crossings north of Fort St. now, along with some great drop-ins.

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  • justinomaha

    Some nice hills with some hair-pin turns. Very fun to ride. Has options along the route to go down a difficult part of the track. I did a couple of them. They were pretty difficult for me and I thought they were a lot of fun. This is a trail I will still be able to ride as my skillset progresses. I was in the middle of my ride when it started to rain. Very good time.

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  • titoj188

    I'm new to the area and was looking for a decent trail and I found it. Great for beginners and for the experienced riders all you have to do is go faster. I will be back again, soon.

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  • Dank1985

    Just rode it for the first time. I didn't get there until after 7 so I had to bring it in before I got all the way through (I haven't put my light on my bike yet). I look forward to going back. Easy enough, good for the beginning of my year.

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  • GTXC4

    I rode this trail for the first time on Jan 7, 2011. Just never had the chance to make it out there sooner. It was a fun ride. I parked by the Ice Ring off Maple St. I recommend the Difficult sections just for some added fun. It's not really any more difficult than the rest of the trail. There are many switchbacks. Nice jumps with good downhill speed added for effect. The berm section is well worth it. Nice little climbs too. Be ready after you cross the gravel road for the first time because the area by the creek can be very muddy. Overall fun and worth the drive from Bellevue.

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  • RoadWarrior

    Mostly beginner trails with a few intermediate sections. The trails are one way and flowey with some fast areas for more experienced riders. Various loops up to 9 miles can be made. There is now a bermed section for some extra fun. Overall a very good trail system suitable for beginners and experts alike (ride faster), just don't expect any expert tech. features (it's a city park after all) Go do a few laps and have fun.* Review edited 8/21/2011

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  • FracturedPixel

    First off the description is outdated, tranquility is well used but never over crowded and it is well marked.

    This is probably the best trail in town to take your friend to to convince him/her that Mountain Biking is awesome. the trails are smooth and flow nice. the climbs are gentle. The few trails labeled "Difficult" are not really that difficult and even so those sections marked are easily avoided. This trail also has a lot of variation. Starts off as a easy peddle along a creek, through a sparsely treed meadow, then it winds into the dense and dark evergreen forest. The trail is not done yet!! Back though the meadow and through some more evergreen shrouded single track that dumps you out into a vast open field with a hill in the middle. One of the neatest features is at the very top of a relatively long but gradual climb is a little roller-coaster section that can make you feel like your in a race in the mountains of Colorado if only for about 15 to 20 seconds), Then it is down a fairly long (for Omaha) flowy downhill section, back up the second of the 2 longer climbs. the second down hill section keeps changing because construction is eating away at part of the trail. The trail then winds back along the creek in a easy fast flat section that really lets you crank the peddles, back about halfway up the big hill to final supper fast mini down hill with small man made mounds that if you are afraid of jumping (like me) allows you to get just enough air under your wheels to say you jumped. Then it's a bumpy run back along the creek (there is a small bridge) and back to the parking lot.

    NOTE: there is a new part that goes north along the creek and under the Fort Street bridge but i have did not ride this section yet.* Review edited 6/21/2011

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