A mountain biker riding downhill on a dirt trail surrounded by trees and a blue sky with clouds. The biker is wearing a helmet and an orange backpack. Twin Buttes mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +757/ -827 ft
Total: 62 riders

Mountain Biking Twin Buttes

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#182 of 1,395 mountain bike trails in Colorado
#1,355 in the world

The city of Durango announced the opening of the Twin Buttes Open Space and Trail System in the fall of 2012. It includes 580 acres of public open space and 10 miles of natural surface trails paved by volunteers from a local nonprofit organization, Trails 2000.
Twin Buttes Trails is a great addition to the Durango trails systems completed in 2012. It is conveniently close to town, has some great views of the Animas River Valley and lots of fun "bob-sleddy" banked descents. The trail launches straight into some good climbs, so you may want to warm up your knees before you hit the singletrack.
Trail notes:
The accompanying TOPO map shows a 10-mile loop incorporating the outside perimeter of the Twin Buttes trail system. There are additional trail segments not included here. Go back and do them all!

First added by norski on Dec 15, 2012. Last updated May 3, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Head west on Highway 160W from its junction with Hwy 550 in Durango (heading in the direction of Cortez). The Trailhead for Twin Buttes trail is just past the Giant station towards the edge of town. An alternate TH is off Lightner Creek Road (which has the advantage of allowing you to warm up your legs before the climb), but is less developed.

Twin Buttes Trail map

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Durango, Colorado

Expert | 3 mi
| 0.2 mi
Beginner | 10 mi
| 5 mi

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  • Gdb49

    Very nice trail, great views.

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  • mtnryder   ✓ supporter

    This is a great XC type loop right next to downtown Durango. Very well designed singletrack though not a lot of challenging terrain. This would be a great after work loop for locals.

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  • captainjackal

    Construction still blocks a return thru the development from the west end, so it's either US 160 back down to the parking lot or back up Ed & Flo to the traverse. That being said, all of the single track can be done in one shot from the lower lot and the views are spectacular! Always half expecting an elk or cougar to bound across in front of me. The grade doesn't get too out of reach either, just constant, but hey that's Colorado!

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  • joebikerla

    Really fun trails. Yes there is climbing, but there is a payoff too. The last downhill to the creek is super fun.

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  • allmountain

    Another blast in Durango, and within reasonable riding distance of town (I drove). Despite getting lost once on the way up and once on the way down (oh, hi, massive dump truck! Don't run me over...) this was an amazing ride with fantastic views of Durango and the Twin Buttes. I rode this on my second day in Durango, and was glad to be acclimated to the altitude by then (I come from about 1,000'). You're running out of reasons not to visit.

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  • timmer399

    Very fun trail system! The climb up from the parking lot is a lung burner but once your past that it gets easier. The trail flows well with some rocky obstacles and tight switch backs. But the downhills are worth the climb up. The trail was partial closed due to construction on a near by road. The downhill section leading to lightener creek road was worth the climb back up due to trail closure at the bottom. This was the best decent I found on the trail system. You could easily jump on the road back to the parking lot once going down but I choose to climb back up the awesome decent. It was filled with tons of banked corners that wound all the way down the hill. The only complaint I had was wishing the trail was marked better or had an occasional map.

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  • rokkit65

    This is the first trail I road upon my arrival to Durango. It kicked my butt. I moved here from Florida. As I began riding the trail regularly, I feel in love with it. It challenges at the same time it exhilarates me. There is a steep climb right out if the gate. If you can ride to the TH, you'll be ready for it. It also had done pretty good elevation near the top along with some very well laid out switchbacks that will keep you alert. The downhill portion is just a blast. It has an extremely well balanced rhythm to it as you enjoy all if what mountain biking has to offer on your way back to the TH. my goal is to complete this trail from top to bottom twice without resting...I'll keep trying.

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  • rokkit65

    Awesome trail. Some steep (but brief) climbs nestled in nearly 1300 feet of elevation change. The trail is lots of fun. Switchbacks are numerous both up and down the trail while a roller coaster effect is brilliantly laid out for your descent. There is still lots of work being done to improve the trail. Signage is clear to help. But there could be more to help you navigate through the interlocking and winding trails throughout. You will experience short descents on the long climb and you will enjoy tiny climbs on your exhilarating descent. I highly recommend this trail.

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