A winding dirt path surrounded by tall green grass, leading into a natural landscape with trees in the background. Two Rivers Bike Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 15 mi (24.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Network
Elevation: +390/ -290 ft
Total: 112 riders

Mountain Biking Two Rivers Bike Park

*****   Add a review
#11 of 169 mountain bike trails in Missouri
#748 in the world

Two Rivers Bike Park is a bike park for all types and all ages of mountain bikers, with freeride features as well as 8.5 miles of trails. The park sits on 380 acres, and there are plans to expand the number of miles of trails to as many as 30 miles within the next 3 years.

First added by Greg Heil on Aug 15, 2013. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: yes
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: yes
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Two Rivers Bike Park is located at 5055 Two Rivers Road in Highlandville.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Highlandville, Missouri

Advanced | 15 mi

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  • Todd2wheels

    One of the best riding areas in the US. It's the Ozarks so expect a few rocks. Trails are expertly maintained and laid out. Trails for all skill levels.

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  • cjsutterer

    Super fun place with beautiful trails. A lot of man made fun too. Jumps, drops and berms galore!

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  • Bradrbarnes

    Had a great time on the downhill. And road thaw west loop. Very good maintain Trail. Very flowing and can get some good speed. I will definitely come back!

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  • Midmoab

    No doubt one of the best trails in Missouri. This is a donation based trail system so chip in a few bucks to ride this and you will not be disappointed. This is not a trail for hiking that can be ridden; it is a trail obviously designed by riders, for riders [although I did encounter hikers and trail runners]. This is fast and flowy, terrifically maintained, with friendly riders and options from easy to difficult. Skills sections and beginner slope track were added fun bonuses. We traveled 3 hours to ride here and I am not disappointed in any way that we did.

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  • Grant Godfrey

    Great system with everything from XC to big dirt jumps to slope style to some techy stuff. All well maintained. The over all feel of the trail system is fast and flowy.

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  • fishbald

    This is my home court. Love these trails.

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  • MaGabbs

    I went out of my way by 4 hours to hit up this trail and it still exceeded my expectations, would have traveled further. From the extremely welcoming trail head amenities, to the technical trails this place had everything. Was like a sportsman's paradise. I met some locals on the trail who were really cool and gave me advice/feedback on how best to ride the system so I maximized my trip. I was intimidated at first with all the different potential routes, but I say just go with it and get lost because you will enjoy any route you take.

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  • hollyanne99

    What a fantastic set of trails! XC trails with an initial gradual climb, but after a mile or so, more short bursts up & down to keep you working. Tricky trails to test your technical skills are available (Bluff). There is a skills course area right by the parking lot, as well as a downhill course. This was clearly the most popular part of the park the day I went, as I barely saw anyone else on the XC loops. These also have bathrooms & water available. The trails are well marked with junction numbers, and not being familiar, I found it easy to just ride and make it back to the parking lot every so often!

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  • sotoutdoors.com

    Great place to ride in Missouri there's more the 7 miles of trails now and its an easy place to ride laps like a park. They have trails for everyone from beginner to advanced racers.

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  • sotoutdoors.com

    Great place to ride in Missouri there's more the 7 miles of trails now and its an easy place to ride laps like a park. They have trails for everyone from beginner to advanced racers.

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  • Sboehm

    Fun trail ... Not difficult at all. The cross country felt closer to 10-12 miles, rather than 7. The overlook at the river was great ... Pulled over, sat on a rock and watched it flow by. Rode the swoop trail - it was disappointing ... It was overgrown, but that was a year ago and probably better now.

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  • Bwpaulk

    Editors at Singletracks, please make the change (unless you want to keep this a secret) The O'Reilly Family has donated the land to build 30 miles of purpose built single track and slopestyle runs. Its located a few miles south of Springfield. The xcountry trials loop through forest and meadow, miles of bench cut with built features.
    This land is spectacular. No highway noise or urban sights. Just great trails.
    I make an effort to ride when I stay in the area. Please make note of the name. It needs to be corrected.

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  • A_Day_2_Remember

    Tremendous bike park. Great single track and an amazing feature park. The features include drop offs, tables, walls, skinnies etc.

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  • erikpallhansen

    Two Rivers is a world-class mountain biking park. It is a mountain biking gem, tucked away in the hills of the Ozarks.

    They just completed a second phase of construction, so they now have ~15 miles of singletrack, a beginner and advanced slopestyle, an intermediate downhill course, a jump track, and a skills park.

    The singletrack is fantastic. It's a great balance of up and downhill riding, and on many parts of the course you can keep up momentum without feeling like you're having to climb a lot of hills. The singletrack has great flow, with many of the turns being banked so that you can keep up your speed without wiping out. The park is named after the intersection of the James and Finley Rivers, as the property is near where both of those rivers meet. A section of the trail runs beside the James River.

    The beginner slopestyle is great for, well, beginners. The intermediate slopestyle and downhill are an adrenaline rush. The first time you ride them, go slowly and learn the course. You can see some sweet aerial footage of the jump track in this video: https://vimeo.com/139651929

    Trailspring, the organization behind Two Rivers, hosts a yearly event called Singletrack Mind. It's typically labor day of every year. You should check it out: http://singletrackmindfestival.com/

    Southwest Missouri owes a huge debt of gratitude to Matt O'Reilly and the other individuals and organizations who have built such an amazing park for others to freely enjoy.

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  • Adam Millsap

    Simply put, this place is awesome. It's been open for a couple of years, and it just keeps getting better. The trails are well designed and well maintained, and there is something for everyone, There is something for everyone, whether you want to take an easy ride trough the woods with your 7 year old, or launch some massive dirt jumps.

    Two Rivers is unlike anything we've had in SW MO before, and if the stuff they are installing now is any indication, it's going to become a major event destination. I've been absolutely loving this place.

    Additionally it's set in the beautiful rolling hills of the Ozarks with far off views that should bring peace to any soul.

    I like this place a lot.

    It's not Colorado, but in the Midwest this is a 5 out of 5 trail.

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  • reddrydder

    Two Rivers is built by Trailspring. It is a local non for profit trail advocacy company and trail builder. Two Rivers is built on private land but made free to the public through a land trust with the Trailspring foundation. Two Rivers receives no tax revenue our public money. It is entirely operated on donations and volunteers. There is a donation box in the parking lot at the kiosk.

    This trail system has it all!!! Wide beginner trails that easily accommodate a bike trailer, to some wicked lines like The Bluffline!

    Tons of well built, playground quality, man made features (skinnies, ladder bridges, and a concrete pump track)

    They are about half way through phase two and it includes huge slope style jump lines and about twice as much Singletrack as in phase one. Total mileage right now sits at about 14.

    Coming next as part of second phase is the expert Downhill Flow Trail!!!

    This place is always improving so go as much as you can to see the latest stuff!

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  • gladcody82

    This trail system is extremely well built. There are far more trails than are listed on this site or Amy other as far as that goes. Great freeride features and the Singletracks is a fast rolling trail, super fun.

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  • Mcniel000

    By far the best ride in the area. Trails are well kept for the most part and continually improved upon. The trails are set up to be ridden in multiple lines so you won't get bored riding the same old thing, and if you do you can always go hit the downhill lines or features.

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  • getgreedy

    Outstanding trail south of Springfield. We had an absolute blast. We had our doubts with the "warm up" beginning of the trail which was a constant incline to begin the ride. Then it was fast and flowing, switchbacks and beautiful scenery. There is also an area of tricks that you can try. Good time had by all...highly recommended.

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  • brianlowry

    Trails are really well designed to allow you to carry good speed through them. Fun obstacles that are the highest quality I have seen (metal framing, thick planks, tight seams) with good variety on the difficulty. If you go counter clockwise on the main trail you can end your ride with the best downhill run I have riden in the Midwest.

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Rider questions

Q: Does anyone recommend a place to camp or fish near this trail?
A: The closest campground that I am aware of is Hootontown. It may be a 5-10 minute drive from the park. It is just a short drive down hwy M. I have never stayed there since I am local. I know on the weekends the river bank can get a little trashy in the summer... The campground does get decent reviews though. The other campground I know about is James River Campground. That is going to be maybe 15 minutes away from the park. I have never been to this one. Either way you will be driving on fairly quite highways. I would not recommend riding a bike on hwy M. It is busy and fast enough to be dangerous.

Q: stockton