This ride begins in the drainage ditch across the street from the balloon park. You will see a bench and a payment parking lot on the left side of the ditch this is where you can park and ride down into the drainage ditch. You will ride west until you come up to 3 separate tunnels. This part is very important you must take the tunnel on the far left or the middle tunnel. The tunnel on the right takes you somewhere else. You will continue on up the ditch for about 1.5 mile you will see exits out of the ditch on your left you need to exit the 3rd exit on your left and ride up the ramp. When you reach the top you will ride along the ditch until you reach a sidewalk that is next to 1st street. Now this is where you can choose how long of a ride you wanna take. You can right after the car was and catch the drainage ditch again a few blocks down the road. You can take a right on the corner or 1st and scenic and catch the drainage ditch a couple of blocks down the road. For the longest ride approximately 7.5 miles continue up first street until the pavement ends you will see a paved walking trail on the right of that. Take that walking trail all the way up to the base of the mountain until you see the drainage ditch. Now ride all the way down that drainage ditch going under a tunnel. Before you come to the second tunnel you must exit the tunnel to the left and ride along the ditch. After exiting the ditch you will come across a street take a right on that street and a quick left on on that road. You will continue on down until you see a stop sigh at the stop sign take a left until you see the drawing ditch again on your right get in the ditch and ride down you will ride down crossing a tunnel where you need to get off your bike and walk thru because it's very short after that you will ride down until you return to where you started.