A close-up view of a tree trunk covered in green foliage, with a section of the bark spray-painted in red. The background includes various green plants and leaves. Walnut Creek MTB mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 3 mi (4.8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +229/ -215 ft
Total: 39 riders

Mountain Biking Walnut Creek MTB

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#8 of 36 mountain bike trails in Nebraska
#2,249 in the world

This trail starts off with a bridge and log/tree crossings. The trail can be tight with low hanging branches or downright trees. There are Green Circle-Easy. Blue Square-Difficult, and Black Diamond-Very Difficult options along the way. You cross creeks, prairies, logs, trees, and can even ride along a downed tree that is flattened out. There are also jumps and some of the obstacles can sneak up on you. The trail has ups and downs,

First added by GTXC4 on Jul 13, 2014. Last updated May 11, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
At 370 & 96th street, head south on 96th St. You will see a gravel road to your right shortly, you can enter the trailhead past the gate, but there is no parking here. For parking, you go almost a 1/4 mile south and hang a right into Walnut Creek Recreational Park (you'll see the water to your right before you get to the entrance) and you'll run into parking as you follow the road in. You will see a path going downhill just behind the parking lot, you can take this down or go around on the paved surface if you wish. Follow the paved path going North along the lake and when you get to the first bench or your right you will see a gravel road. Follow that and you will see the trailhead with a marker. Take the left trail and enjoy.

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Mountain Bike Trails Near Papillion, Nebraska

Intermediate | 6 mi

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  • ColetonPleiss

    This was my first ever time out on an actual mountain bike trail and I absolutely loved it! There are plenty of features that keep the path interesting for more experienced riders and bypasses for beginners. The main flaw with this trail is how easy it is to get turned around or put on the wrong side of a trail. Multiple times (mainly in the wooded areas) my friend and I would be following one dirt path and then it comes to some sort of opening or intersection, and the correct way forward wasn’t there. But I still would recommend this to people.

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  • Patrick Jensen

    Easy rider. Lots of twists and turns. Not sure the trails marked difficult justify that rating. Getting a bit overgrown in areas and in need of some maintenance. Good beginner course or for a day when you want something easy to play on and not push.

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  • agirlcyclist

    Trail has various sections marked well. Some sections have too many log jumps and tight turns. Prairie section is rough. New rock jump. Somewhere between a green and blue trail. Crosses concrete bike trails and road, so be cautious for traffic.

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  • Trkfuelex

    The trail was a ton of fun with little jumps and some drops. The only thing I didn't like was how sharp a lot of the turns were. It was hard to keep your speed at some points but was overall an amazing trail.

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  • BikingKeeper00

    Awesome trails! They have everywhere from very easy to very difficult trails! There are tons of good obstacles for every level of mountain biking. I can actually bike up to these trails from my house and I learned to ride on these trails. These will always be my favorite trails!!

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  • c-hawkzROLL

    first time riding here. very good network of trails. good selection of technical to easy riding. there were a couple section that still had trees down from damaging storms a few weeks prior. this would be easy to do a few laps after work. i wish i lived closer.

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  • GTXC4

    Well, I was impressed with this trail build. They made good use of the land and for the first run, it's worth the try again and again. With just under a 3 mile loop, this trail affords what I would say is a 3-part mix of; Swanson, Jewell, and Lake Manawa Trail systems. Very creative with the bridges, log crossings, dips, climbs, tight turns, jumps, low level limbs and in some instances trees, and that cool little descent where you can ride on top of the tree. You even do a few prairie crossings. Obstacles range from a few feet, to the 4 inch root. My 3 year old had a blast out here and climbed the hill up to the parking lot alone! This has something for every level and age. The network consists of easy and difficult described above. The only thing I would not agree with is the Black Diamond rating, for my 3 year old (who wanted to do them) yes, for an intermediate rider, no. None the less, it is a good time. When you see CAUTION signs, that is to look out by intersections or where other can be coming from the opposite direction. Haven't had an issue with that. Very fun and a great addition to the area. I look forward to see it's expanding development in the future!

    Be Advised: There are ticks when you get out to the North prairie doubletrack that runs parallel with 370.

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