Wasatch Mountain State Park trail photo
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 20 mi (32.2 km)
Surface: Other
Configuration: Other
Elevation: +376/ -359 ft
Total: 21 riders

Mountain Biking Wasatch Mountain State Park

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#95 of 711 mountain bike trails in Utah
#2,528 in the world

Wasatch Mountain State Park, in beautiful Heber Valley, is Utahs most developed state park. Tucked away in the beautiful Wasatch Mountains, the park is both a summer and winter wonderland. Activities here include hiking, biking, golfing, camping, horseback riding, snowmobiling and cross-country skiing.

First added by TrailAPI on Apr 8, 2013. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
This trail information is user-generated. Help improve this information by suggesting a correction.
Getting there
Take I-80 east to US 40 or Heber Exit, travel about 17 miles to Heber, and take Highway 113 west to Midway- follow signs to the park
System trails (9)
 difficultyAqueduct0.6 mi
 difficultyCottontail0.5 mi
 difficultyDonkey Ridge0.7 mi
 difficultyHuber Grove Trail0.7 mi
 difficultyPhosphate Hill3.2 mi
 difficultyProspect1.7 mi
 difficultySage0.8 mi
 difficultyThe Barrel0.5 mi
 difficultyW.O.W. Connector0.8 mi
Featured in
Two children riding mountain bikes on a dirt track with hills and turns, showcasing an outdoor biking scene. The graphic overlay includes the phrases "Full Re-Build!" and "Putting the groms to work," along with a play button indicating video content. The background features a sunny landscape with mountains and vegetation.

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Good (Jun 15, 2019)
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Heber City, Utah

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  • gregval   ✓ supporter

    First, these trails are better referred to as Dutch Hollow.
    Took 1 day to ride these trails when in PC recently. The network is very good, in my opinion.
    We rode the Cottontail/Sage/Aquaduct/Barrell loop first. (The lower Barrel is a very fun trail at the bottom, definitely ride the "rollercoaster" south/downhill.)
    Then road up Dutchman and broke a derailleur hanger, and had to get that repaired. Came back and road up Donkey Ridge to Prospector and back. Very nice downhill.
    Here are some very good links for more info:
    A key Park City interactive map is at:
    Has more detailed gps tracked trails and difficulty color ratings.

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  • Chris Daniels

    Not a bad network of trails. Not high on the list, but good enough. If memory serves, there was a lot of DT, but the ST that was there was pretty fun. Hard to dedicate the time and effort when so close to PC

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  • dgw2jr

    Very bumpy trails, almost washboard like. Not sure if it's because they are recently built or the horses have been riding them when they are wet. Barrel trail was ok.

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