A person in a black jacket and shorts riding a mountain bike on a dirt trail surrounded by trees and greenery. The trail features wooden planks and is covered with fallen leaves. Westwood Park mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 5 mi (8 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +280/ -207 ft
Total: 57 riders

Mountain Biking Westwood Park

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#101 of 549 mountain bike trails in North Carolina
#1,942 in the world

This place is an awesome ride, and the folks that work on it keep it in GREAT shape. If you start on the tech side, it gives you a pretty good chance to warm-up: no big hills, just lots of sweeping singletrack. There a two good drops that will bust ya butt if you're not ready for the g-change. The ride is ROOTY, but not so bad that you can't get up some good speed. The first section ends and turns into a TIGHT path behind the ballfield. You're low enough that you're out of sight, but you still may want to be aware during practice or games. The path has some cool mounds to ride up and out of before it ends in a small wall that leads in to the climb before the basic trail. The basic trail is pretty awesome, esp. for new mtn. bikers. It's constantly rolling up and down and remains in great condition throughout the year. There are a few log crossings, but the highlight is the one super-fast rolling downhill. For a brief time, you can literally 'fly': as soon as you roll over the first hill, you bomb another downhill that throws you into some twisty, rooty singletrack that is awfully close to some BIG trees. The next hill is just a good aerobic workout that will put you into the first tech section. This is where the FUN begins. After doing some fast weaving, you roll into some singletrack next to the road that is peppered with granite. There is one nice drop that rolls into hill that pitches into another drop that shoots you up a hill. After making a short climb, you roll into a wicked downhill that weaves through the low area between the two hills. Before leaving this section, you ride through what has become an EXTREMELY WET and MUDDY section before popping over a fire road. Parts of this section have been closed due to the mud. I suspect it won't be long before there is another re-route. After bouncing through some small ravines, you come to THE HILL. In a short section, you climb a MONSTER of roots, tight turns and tighter trees. When it's wet, it stays wet. When it's dry, it's dusty. This thing is typically pretty slick and will work both your heart and your climbing skills. The first part is weaving and rounding over roots. The second is STRAIGHT Up and fairly wide but still rooty. Just when you think you're clear, you have a few more feet of DEEP roots to cross that will pitch off the trail with the wrong twitch. After I take a break and try to find my breath (yea, I'm a wuss) the trail is a gradual climb into the third tech section. It's short, but it can be the meanest. After crossing a good drop, you round over into a ravine that has a nice, jumpable water bar. Carry some good speed over this cause you have an EVIL switchback coming up that is too difficult for this guy, but I have seen it conquered. I keep tryin, tho. From here, its a good climb back to the basic trail. You come into a fire road that is super smooth and even faster. Be careful, cause it ends much too quick and turns you back into the singletrack. You will ride through some basic trail that when rode hard, gets really fast and really tight. After crossing the big log crossing, you have a nice downhill section that's not steep, but it is fast if you shift into the big gears. For the finale, you enter the lake section, the last tech section. It seems harmless until you hit the first rounder, where you're dropped into a fast, rooty, rocky, spontaneous ravine. If it's doesn't buck you, it's because it's pounded your bones into the bike. This drops you into an area next to the creek. Before the last flood, around the same time as Hurrican Isabel, you would cross the creek and ride Side Hill. That's GONE. You can get there, but I don't think you're supposed to since they've started on a new section. The new section is VERY new and fresh, and almost unrideable. I rode what I could and pushed what I couldn't. The ground was so fresh, you mired into it. However, this section is gonna be cool when it's done. It leads back into the lake trail, which was just after SIDE HILL. The lake trail ends when you come to the long fire road climb that leads you back to the remaining part of the first tech section. Don't miss out on the dirt mounds at the trail head; you can have some fun jumping and bouncing. For an extra kick, ride this one BACKWARDS. I did it for the first time today and fell in love with place once again...

First added by alvin.santoy on Nov 18, 2003. Last updated May 10, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Take Highway 52 into Mt. Airy. From Virginia, the NG Armory will be on your right; from Winston-Salem, on your left. From Va, turn right, W-S, turn left. Take a left on the first road you come to. Westwood Park will be on your left. The park road forks; turning left takes you to the basic trail, right takes you to the entrance to the tech trail.

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    Trail is in great condition and is marked better now with red wooden signs that have MTB on them. Follow these and you will ride the complete loop

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  • Frontier MTB

    Would be a great trail system with some work a lot of the trails washed out really bad. A true single track system plenty of roots even on the beginner trail .I rode this trail system in the early spring but now it is over grown in a lot of places

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  • Bob Norris

    Nice Trail System with allot of potential

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  • ***

    Decent at best for a short ride. I managed to squeez out 7 miles. The short green track is well established 1 mile trail. The various yellows were slightly overgrown and leaf covered. The red or technical tracks weren't very technical unless you consider finding the trail under all the leaves a technical skill. All in all not a bad afternoon ride.

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  • crp534

    Leaf covered and not a heavily ridden trail. Lots of spider webs. The intermediate and advanced trails were overgrown. Trail features that were built from lumber seem old and sketchy.

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  • man.cave

    Great trail if you are in the area. It is rooty, but not bad, also kinda sandy in areas so could be a good trail when damp.

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  • Arq

    Not bad this trail. I recommend checking it out if you are in the area. Well maintained, nice all together ride. Has potential to get better over time.

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  • firesurvivor07

    Thanks to some recent building from some of us locals, Westwood is now up to about 8.5 miles. Some new features: planks, rock garden, fun desents, switch backs that make it even more tricky at times, (making it even more fun:) and were also adding some nice by-passes with well built signs and also there are very obvious trail direction signs. * Review edited 1/8/2012* Review edited 1/9/2012

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  • RoadWarrior

    With some rerouting and the addition of new trail, the system makes a complete loop, and is a little over 7 miles. With 7 miles of trail in a small area tracks are often close enough to high 5 your buddy when you meet. Due to numerous short cuts, (easy trail) the trail can be a bit confusing, at any trail junction just keep straight and you should stay on the desired route. Overall a great intermediate trail system for a in-town park.

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  • souf_

    good trail note to self don't ride trail when back brake stops working half way thought ride should of choose basic first not technical

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  • aabiking   ✓ supporter

    This trail has a basic skills loop and a technical loop that I would call moderate. There has been a black diamond section that is way back in the woods that has some wooden features and some technical jumps that I would not try. Overall I enjoyed this trail and will definately go back.

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  • Blur-Girl

    Love this trail!!! I have ridden it several times and like it more each time I go. They have added some new sections too. Easy to follow and I always meet the nicest people here. Good aerobic workout and tests your technical skills too.

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  • yellowXtrek

    This trail has a little bit of everything. Overall it's a great trail. Pretty tough climbs in some sections. I rode it when it was very slick which made it almost impossible in some parts. I will def. go back when it is dry.

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  • smilie

    great trail for everyone,fast rolling tight singletrack,lots of roots to slow you down

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  • Kerry__

    My first time to ride the trail. Great downhills, some dips, not too many roots. This trail is not made for cruisers. I'm glad I have Tuffys in my tires; there were lots of sticks and leaves to ride over. I enjoyed the curvy descents.
    I forgot to look at the map, I just dove right in. That didn't work out very well. This trail is a network, not a single track. I tried to stick to the rule that when you enter on the right you should stay to the right. That worked out okay until I got to the lake at the bottom of the hill. The trail split in several different places. I would try one and end up back at the lake at the bottom of the hill. I finally found my way out and looked at the map. I tried it again, this time going in through the entrance instead of the exit. Much more fun until I got to the lake. By now I new my way around a little better and climbed my way back to the easy trail. On the way back I ran into one of the guys that work on the trail. I told him of my adventure. He said that the map is wrong when it comes to the part by the lake. They just built some new trail down there and were going to come out this weekend and put up trail markers. He told me I had missed a turn by the lake that would have taken me back to the parking lot. Oh well. I will do better next time. This trail has great potential. The folks that are building it have a goal, to make it the toughest track in the triad area. From what I have seen it already is.

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  • Weakendwarrior

    A really good ride that could be a great ride if people would stop jumping the trail. I makes it kinda hard to follow. This is the first trail that I rode and have since found the Fisher River trail which has about the same terrain but a little easier and a better fit for my current fitness level. I will go back after my aerobic fitness is better.

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