"Two mountain bikes leaning against a wooden railing, with a lush green forest in the background. The scene captures the tranquility of nature, showcasing tall trees and vibrant foliage." White Clay Creek State Park Triple Loop mountain bike trail.
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Level: Intermediate
Length: 10 mi (16.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +1,126/ -1,195 ft
Total: 106 riders

Mountain Biking White Clay Creek State Park Triple Loop

*****   Add a review
#4 of 22 mountain bike trails in Delaware
#1,347 in the world

There are a few different ways to piece these Three Loops together. I usually do it this way due to this being the way I get to the trails riding from my place.
From the Trailhead at Bryan's Field Trail follow the trail to the Left just past the Map. Follow the Loop around back to the trail head. Go back thru the parking lot and make a Left on the Road until you see the signs for the Whitely Farms Trail. I usually Split this loop in half, doing half the loop then breaking off to do David English, than on my way back to the trail head I hit the other half. Turn Right onto Whitely Farms Trail and follow the loop around back out to the dirt road (labeled Smith Mill Road/Tri Valley Trail on the Map). Turn Right on the road and cross over Pleasant Hill Road staying to your Right. Follow the David English Trail around to the Park Office. Continue on the trail behind the Park Office and back around to where you crossed Pleasant Hill Road. Once back across hang a Right onto the other Half of Whitely Farms Trail. You can either follow this back up to the road and make a right back to the trail head or dump off a bit early on a trail to the right that connects back to Bryan's Field and follow that to the Trailhead.

There are midway cut offs on Bryan's and David English so if you want to do the whole loop make sure you don't cut off early. If you want to double back to this them though they are fun to rip down. Namely the one on Bryan's Field heading West to East past the Mason Dixon Monument.

Also: Check out the Skills Course on Bryan's Field.

First added by jlpXC on Mar 13, 2007. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
Take Exit 1 off I-95 at stop sign make a Left onto DE-896(College Ave.) toward Newark. Make a right at Chestnut Hill Road intersection there are signs to follow DE-2 East, DE-72, and DE-4. You will go past the UD football stadium. Make a Left onto DE-2/DE-72. Follow DE-2 East as it becomes Capitol Trail. Make a Left on DE-72 heads/Possum Park Road. Go straight, you will come to and Intersection with Paper Mill Road. Turn Right on Paper Mill Road. After you pass Fox Den Road on your Right Look for the Park Entrance, it should be your next Left. There is a parking area at the Trailhead for Bryan's Field Trail.

If you want a map of the Park you can stop at the Park office.
Directions: Same as above until you get to the intersection of DE-72/Possum Park Rd & Paper Mill Road. At that light go straight onto Thompson Station Rd. The Park Office will be on your Right across from Chamber Rock Rd. This is also another Trail head at the David English Trail.

There is a parking fee May thru October I believe. I think it's $3 for instate plates and $6 for out of state. There are plenty of places to park and ride to the trailhead around if you don't want to pay it. If you make a Left at the intersection of Paper Mill Road and Possom Park Rd there is a Shopping Center with a Dunkin Donuts that works out okay.

White Clay Creek State Park Triple Loop Trail map

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  • chriswally2049

    This is my new favorite mountain biking spot. It has a lot of fast rolling sections but also includes some technical downhills too. Overall worth the drive and I will definitely be back to shred some more. It has 3 different loops that include a skills trail and a corkscrew trail that are super challenging for even the most skilled riders.

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  • roadandmud

    Well maintained nice rolling fast trails. Part of the White Clay Creek system. We didn't know we entered a different trail system until we check the GPS report from my Garmin.

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  • gshute67

    I have lived in Delaware for over 6 yrs now and just started back to mountain biking after a 6.5 year hiatus.

    I did not think there was any where to ride until I found this place.

    Plenty of climbing and a few technical areas with some drops and log hops. But nothing a beginner can not handle and learn from.

    Lots of solatude out on these trails. I have not seen many people on most of my lone rides

    The trails are fast so be ready and do not ride beyond your skill level , because the rocks are hard.

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  • DirtyJerry

    So I rode this trail today. What a great time! I didn't think you could get this much elevation in Delaware, but they did it!

    Technical with fast and flowy downhills, woops, wood bridges over steep drops, a skills trail that started with a wood bridge bound by rope into a steep drop with a stone down ramp. Then move into the next area which was a series of skinnies and stone beds. Hucks, ramps, and logs.

    Climbs are long and steady. It's no Pisgah in elevation by any stretch, but what a fun trail. If you're ever in the area-I recommend it.

    $6 parking per out of state vehicle ($3 for in state vehicles).

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  • jpo

    Nice ride. Three different loops allow you to string together a couple laps to get distance without riding the same trail over and over. Nice combination of tight turns and sweeping straights. Definitely a fun ride, , even if it isn't too challenging. Good place to bring friends who want to get into it but don't know how to ride too well.

    Special feature: HILLS! In Delaware! Crazy, right?

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  • nikvdw

    This is a fun ride, with steady climbs and decents, all singletrack with easy to moderate technicality. This is my new favorite place for SE PA. Ride took 90-120 minutes total, with stops for drinks and a rest here and there.

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