A winding dirt path leads through a grassy landscape under a wide blue sky with scattered clouds. The terrain features gentle hills, creating a serene and open countryside scene. White Rocks Trail mountain bike trail.
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Level: Beginner
Length: 7 mi (11.3 km)
Surface: Doubletrack
Configuration: Out & Back
Elevation: +165/ -184 ft
Total: 31 riders

Mountain Biking White Rocks Trail

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#447 of 1,395 mountain bike trails in Colorado
#4,505 in the world

The trail is not technical, but it is reasonably fun as there are quite a few small hills that you can get some decent speed over (30mph+ by the water tower). There is no cover for most of the trail, and it's quite dusty. There are water bars by the water tower that can be jumped for something to do going down hill. Couple this ride with the East Boulder trail (parking lot just west on Valmont, on the south side) and you'll get a 12 mile ride.

First added by Rob on Oct 12, 2006. Last updated Apr 28, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From 95th Street (Hover in Longmont), go south to Valmont Road. Turn west on Valmont, and less than 1 mile there will be a parking lot on the north side of Valmont.

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Tacky (Mar 11, 2017)
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Lafayette, Colorado

Easiest | 10 mi
Easiest | 4 mi
| 4 mi
Advanced | 3 mi

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  • Mason Cowgill

    I love this place...Evan though the "BLACK" is = To your typical "BLUE" but it has some pretty large jumps... Great for Hard tailing/ for NOOBS

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  • lina

    Love this trail! Spectacular views of Indian Peaks, Flatirons, and valley below. Although it is a beginner trail, I found it fun with its rolling hills and various areas with single tracks. The valley below connects with the East Boulder Trail system adding miles to the trip and fun.

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  • alskoj   ✓ supporter

    A nice trail if you're in the local area and need a quick 45 minute ride. Also a good trail to take your kids on. I work in the Gunbarrel area so my son and I rode it when I had a day off during the week. Then we rode to the Gunbarrel Jumps (AKA Eaton Park) behind Lockheed Martin and did the a few of the easier sections.

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  • SWRL142

    This trail stands between my sisters house and my own. I like it in the night with lights since it might say that its double track but it is rutted single track by the mid summer. I do it with my 4 yr old in the burley and some of the climbing is steep. It's no 10 mile bruiser but still fun if time is tight. we usually wrap it into the East Boulder Trail and stop for a burger on the way back out to Erie.

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  • arnolda14   ✓ supporter

    I think it's fairly lame but if you live in the neighborhood and need a very quick dirt fix, it'll do the trick. Just as likely, it'll leave you wanting. I tell my wife that this trail is like Tokyo Joe's - eating there makes me wish I had real Japanese food. Riding this trail makes me wish I were on a real trail. I only ride this trail when I don't have time to go somewhere better or if it's the only dry trail I can get to.

    * Review edited 3/26/2009

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