Level: Expert
Length: 15 mi (24.1 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: -
Total: 3 riders

Mountain Biking Wolf Creek Trails

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#54 of 116 mountain bike trails in Ohio
#4,010 in the world

this trail is very advanced IT IS NOT FOR BEGGINERS! it start out down hill u jump over a tree log and the bottom of a down hil run go over a couple of routes then go over a log then u go down a hill and u can either go were it is straight down or were it slowly goes down. At the bottom of the hill u hit another log jump then u cross a creek. u go threw the wouds for a while were it is flat then u go threw the creek again immedietly after that there is a ramp u get 4 feet of are just from riding off of the ramp and i have gotten up to 7 from actually ramping it note u eep and 4 foot long gap between the ramp and land spot. after that u go easily threw the woods to a 4 wheeler path which u fallow to the right it goes threw the creek then climbs up a hill after u get to the top of the hill it flatens out after u fallow that for a while it will fork off take it left it is a down hill run then it opens up to a field with a hill to climb on the right once u r on top off it ther is a nice view of the pond and a cabin follow it all the way to the end then turn left down the hill and u should see a 4 wheeler patth follow it all thew way to the end there is a bridge go on the bridge and it will take u to a road turn right go allow the way to the end then go right again follow that all the way back to the trailer were u can ask about other trails or hit it again

First added by mtbrunner on Jun 25, 2011. Last updated May 9, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: unknown
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: unknown
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
if u go up route 60 in ohio u will meet a small town called barlow. as u r heading out of barlow passing a exxon gas station on ur left u will see a sign for sweetapple farms on the right side of the road . turn there then take ur 1st left. falow that road all the way to the end then u have to go left take ur firsst right onto a small back road falow that road all the way to the end and there is a callisac turn around and go back the way u came and it is the first road on the left. it leads back to a trailer and the people there MTB if u ask them they well either go with u to ride or let u go by urself. if u ever want to go and need more in depth directions call me at this number 740-629-5067

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  • SilverHeiHei

    This sounds like the sketchiest trail review and directions I have read yet.

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