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Level: Intermediate
Length: 13 mi (20.9 km)
Surface: Singletrack
Configuration: Loop
Elevation: +1,324/ -1,002 ft
Total: 417 riders

Mountain Biking Centennial Cone Park

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#96 of 1,395 mountain bike trails in Colorado
#697 in the world

This Jefferson County Open Space Park is only about 10 miles from Idaho Springs.The remains of many ranches and homesteds are scatterd across this Open Space Park. When completed the main loop will be about 13 miles. The single track takes you high up on the ridges above Clear Creek and offers incredible views. This is a wonderful ride!! The singletrack is smooth, the switchbacks are rideable. The climbs are easy and not all at once.From the parking lot take Travois Trail 8.7 miles to the north parking lot . Follow doubletrack to the left back to your car.

Centennial Cone has an alternating schedule for weekend use: BIKES = EVEN days Hikers = Odd days There are no restrictions on weekdays.

First added by lostcause on Jul 19, 2006. Last updated Apr 29, 2020. → add an update
Before you go
  • Drinking water: unknown
  • Lift service: unknown
  • Night riding: yes
  • Pump track: unknown
  • Restrooms: yes
  • Fat bike grooming: unknown
  • E-bikes allowed: unknown
  • Fee required: unknown
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Getting there
From Idaho Springs take I-70 east to Hwy.6 exit #244.east on Hwy 6 to Hwy 119 turn left [north] drive 1/2 mile to Douglas Mountain Road turn right it's about a mile to Centennial Cone Park. You can also take Hwy 6 west of Golden 11 miles to Hwy 119

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Centennial Cone
mountainbiking Centennial Cone
Centennial Cone trail, Golden CO
Mountain Biking - Centennial Cone
A Taste of Centennial Cone Park
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Mountain Bike Trails Near Idaho Springs, Colorado

Intermediate | 3 mi
| 5 mi
Advanced | 17 mi
Intermediate | 8 mi

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  • DanOxender

    If there is a more beautiful place for trail riding, I don't want to hear about it. This is close to my house and I don't need to spend more money traveling to support my sports habits.

    "The Cone", as the locals call it, is a wonderful ride. I also call it "No Country for Old Men" because of the technical sections at the top which do have some exposure (i.e. you could end up seriously injured in a fall).

    A great loop. Remember to take your time and look around. Don't be afraid to walk the spots where an endo could result in a 300 foot downhill roll.

    Remember, parts are closed for Elk Breeding season and it's every other day on the weekends for mountain biking. Check the web site to make sure before heading up.

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  • grrgoyl

    Did this yesterday for first time. I enjoyed it because the climbing was always short sections and nothing that made me want to sell my bike and quit. However, I heeded the reviews and went counter clockwise on Travois. My partner, who loves climbing, went clockwise. When he finally made it to the car, he looked like he'd been hit by a truck and said he felt like he might have a heart attack. He also never wants to return to this trail. (However, going counter-clockwise I also got sick of climbing and made it an out-and-back.
    The downhill was super sweet, but not for my friend, who was so exhausted he could barely hang onto the bars). Unless you're a hardcore masochist, go counter clockwise!

    (Also, yes, it's very busy (we went on Labor Day) but everyone is very polite about making room so I didn't mind as much as I thought I would)

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  • bigAD

    A great ride close to Denver. Be sure to go on EVEN NUMBERED DAYS on the weekends. Will be closed to bikes odd weekend days. The views alone are worth the trip out.

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  • Jmurphy8776

    Great ride - amazing views with manageable distance. I prefer the "counter clockwise" route with the country road finish.

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  • blaze4fun

    Fantastic trail that is in good shape. We went counter-clockwise and liked our decision. It will be a hard, uphill end to your ride if you go clockwise.

    The fields of wildflowers were stunning!

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  • solofat

    Go clockwise-better be in shape because it's going to kick your a..s. 80% uphill which is a great workout. Fantastic views. Anytime

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  • ItalianIce

    High quality trail with great views. A good ride for an intermediate or adventurous beginner a few technical sections and some water-barred switchbacks. Features several challenging climbs, providing a pretty tough workout for someone of average fitness.

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  • timborocksloud

    For someone in moderately decent shape like myself, I was hating life several points on this trail.

    The initial climb was soul sucking to me, and I was joyous once it was over.

    There were some pretty decent descents, but they weren't really interesting. For me, this trail just wasn't worth all the climbing.

    Some really nice meadow views, though. I took a fantastic picture of my bike as well at the top.

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  • Mountaineer19

    This is a wonderful trail! Full of gorgeous views of Clear Creek. I rode this trail Counter Clockwise and there was more downhill then climbing for sure. The Elevation gain/loss seems about right if you go counterclockwise. There is days that only hikers are allowed and vice versa so plan a little. Its a solid ride and there aren't many rocks although there is this one section that is pretty technical and fun. They rest is gorgeous views and flowy single track. Its a must if you live in the front range.

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  • Jon Campbell

    This ride had a lot of climbing, but it was a fun moderate ride.

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  • justin70

    Great views, in a natural setting

    Some long climbs, though all rideable

    - Not a lot of trail variety
    - Only one main loop
    - Reasonable number of hikers on weekdays

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  • blutzski

    Rode this trail the first year it opened and never went back. They might as well have paved it for how non technical it was. If I want smooth and flat I'll go for a road ride.

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  • uber_franz

    Fun trail. Not super technical, so this is a good one to bring the significant other along.

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  • tlongpine

    Most under-rated trail in the front range.

    Great climbs, great descents, fun short technical sections and varied landscapes.

    The only knock against this trail is that many of switchbacks are deeply eroded, sharp, and possess railroad ties placed in all the wrong places.

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  • pgee79

    This is a few too many switchbacks to be my favorite, but its great. The Elk Range Trail is pretty boring, but the rest is pretty amazing. I ride clockwise from the Mayhem Gulch lot. I bêt it would be a fun out and back if you just avoid the Elk range trail. But certainly a lot more effort.

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  • summitchef

    Great Ride, perfect intermediate trail.

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  • FinishSTRONG7

    The primarily smooth terrain make this one fast ride! I did the loop clockwise from the north trailhead (Travois and Elk Range Trails). The route constantly fluctuates between climbing and descending. No extended technical sections--just a couple of rocky sections and a handful of hairpin switchbacks with water bars that require advanced skill to clean. There are steep climbs, however they are short. Climbs exceeding 5% grade are 2 miles or less. The loop route is diverse overall (singletrack, double track, forested areas, and exposed areas).

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  • BushyAR15

    I'm an older rider, in my 50s and while abit overweight, I consider myself to be in pretty good condition riding 3 times a week. Rode this from Hwy 6 at Mayhem Gulch, Clockwise through Elk Range Trail, Travois Trail, and back down Mayhem Gulch to Hwy 6. As someone else stated, this is a tough ride. Its not technically tough, but its a good test of your physical conditioning. It was a good reality check for me. The climb out of the parking lot is a good indication of what you are in for. While the trail is not technically difficult it does have some technical sections and the fist sized rocks throughout the entire loop does require some "torque" to get through on the climbs and a bit of attention on the downhill. Some have commented about the steep drops in some sections that could cause serious harm should you fall. While thats true, I never felt that any sections were dangerous, scary or that if I made even a slight mistake I would fall to my death or be injured. I could see not paying attention to what you are doing could potentially cause you harm... But you'd have to be pretty "unaware".

    IMO, what made this ride tough was the elevation changes. Its not like some rides where you grind to that top and wind your way down, this is a bunch of climbs and descents. Not shallow either, check the elevation profile. Very much "interval" training style". I felt it was definitely an "intermediate" ride because of the degree of conditioning needed, but I don't see why a physically fit beginner couldn't do it. (Of course I'm not talking first ride)

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  • pman

    I can see why some folks like this trail. I must be getting old. I rode the whole thing clockwise from US 6 [mayhem] and found it way too long. The views above Clear Creek were unreal but be under no illusion this trail is a hard ride from start to the end. A rider I was talking to 'up top' was almost bit by a rattle snake which was sunning his ass on a rock. Bring your A game here and BE PREPAIRED. it would be a long lonely walk outta there.....

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  • tetontom

    I can't believe I waited so long to ride this trail. This is the best trail in the JeffCo parks that I've ridden. We did the single track both ways from Mayhem Gulch, and there wasn't a bad mile all day. It was great to ride 22 miles and never have to even drop a foot!

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Rider questions

Q: Hikers can hike EVERY day. Only bikers on the weekends follow BIkes=EVEN; no bikes=ODD
A: From the JeffCo web site: On weekends, hike and horseback ride on odd-numbered dates; bike on even-numbered dates. http://jeffco.us/open-space/parks/centennial-cone-park/

Q: I rode Mayhem Gulch-Juniper-Travois trails yesterday, 2/28/16 and the sign right next to the trail head clearly stated that this even day was a "bikes only" day. Every hiker I saw on the trail had to completely disregard that sign and walk right past it as in, "Surely it doesn't apply to me, my girlfriend and my dogs!" Is this typical at Centennial Cone in the early months of the year? I saw at least a dozen hikers and no rangers giving out tickets!