We recently asked you on Facebook, “What frustrates you most about mountain biking?” Apparently y’all had a lot to get off your chest, as that post received almost 800 comments!
Here are the 5 most frustrating things about mountain biking, according to our Facebook commenters.
5. Elitist Assholes
We like to characterize mountain bikers in general as awesome, fun-loving people. We often say that mountain bikers are willing to help other riders out, are considerate of other trail users, and are generally upstanding citizens. Apparently, not everybody thinks that’s the case.
“Judgmental a-holes who divide people if your perfectly functional kit is slightly too tight/too loose or the wrong color or happens to be made of something resembling Lycra.” -Roger Bombardier Jr. (25 upvotes)
“The elitist iPhone X mentality that you have to have the latest equipment in order to enjoy the sport, which is the exact opposite of the ‘ride what you got and enjoy yourself’ grassroots start the sport was founded on. Also, WAAAY too much emphasis on downhill and big air driving product design (super wide bars, crazy suspension travel, raked back geometry, dropper posts, etc.).” -Geo Raj (63 upvotes)
While Geo received a lot of upvotes, he did get plenty of pushback for dissing on dropper posts 😉
“The elitist, judgemental douchebags. It’s not everyone, but it’s certainly prevalent enough to piss me off and make me want to ride alone most of the time. Lots of mountain bikers need to get over themselves.” -Leo Makowski (21 upvotes)
4. Your Own Limitations

“When my body won’t keep up with my brain.” -Steve Chaffin (90 upvotes)
3. Inconsiderate Trail Users of All Stripes
While perhaps this could relate to the “elitist assholes” frustration above, I grouped these comments together because it’s not just fellow mountain bikers causing frustration.
“Trail runners wearing headphones oblivious of my shredding.” -Gary Baker (122 upvotes)
“Trying to enjoy the sounds and solitude of the forest [when] someone blaring Nickleback on their bike-mounted Bluetooth speaker comes riding up.” -Rich Stackon (78 upvotes)
If you want to listen to music on the trails, you can’t win: neither headphones nor speakers are acceptable, apparently.
“Mountain bikers trashing hiking trails by riding when it’s wet, and going so fast they can’t stop for hikers or dogs.” -Barton Churchill (18 upvotes)
While it’s difficult to say if Barton is even a mountain biker or not, his comment did get 18 upvotes. He also received a number of responses, such as “same can be said for some entitled hikers out there. Plenty of a-holes returning my greeting with a dirty look,” and “entitled dog walkers who don’t obey leash laws [are equally frustrating.]”
2. Dumbing Down Trails

Mountain biking is supposed to be difficult… at least, according to the vast majority of our Facebook commenters.
“The dumbing down of trails. Some people have the mentally that if it’s too hard for them it needs to be ‘fixed.'” -Dennis Rhodes (56 upvotes)
Apparently, it doesn’t matter if the trail is supposed to be easy or not–our commenters think there are too many manicured trails out there.
“Perfectly-groomed trails that are so good I could ride a road bike on them! Seriously people this is mountain biking, not gardeners weekly!” -Tim Carter (134 upvotes)
And it doesn’t even matter if the trail work is done by an official builder…
“I can not stand when people working on the trails say they are making it better, only to see they dug up all the rocks and roots to make it super smooth, and say ‘it’s flowy now.’ Thanks for fucking the trail, let me take my roller skates down it now.” -Kyle John Son (56 upvotes)
1. The Cost of Mountain Biking
The number one most frustrating thing about mountain biking? How expensive the sport is. Why can’t it be free so we can just ride all the time?!
“Having to keep a real job to pay for it.” -Jeremy Floyd (228 upvotes)
“Cost. It used to be something almost anyone could afford. Even expensive bikes were affordable if you saved up some. Now, even low end bikes are too expensive for most people.” -Ryan Palmer (23 upvotes)
Your Turn: What do YOU think is the most frustrating thing about mountain biking? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!
Dec 14, 2017
I can deal with the Enduro bros, again we all gotta learn sometime and a little maintenance cures all
Even the idiots, sometimes you need a ride no matter the weather
But what I find most frustrating about mtbing is .........DOG SHIT.
Nothing is as ride killing as railing a corner right into a steamy pile
Now before the entitled dog owners spout off. I am one. A large masstiff.
His sizeable piles would stop most riders on their treads. But as a responsible owner I've taught my boy to crap off the trail in the acres of forest around the trails. I wish other owners would do the same.
It's disrespectful to riders. They wear it!
It's disrespectful to the maintenance people. They clean it!
It's disrespectful to the builders. They built it......... for you and you Shit on it.
And just to clarify I ride, maintain, and build trails. So you've disrespected me in all the hats i wear for mtbing
That felt great to get out.
Thanks Greg
Ride Long Ride Hard Ride to Live
Dec 13, 2017
All this amazing land, blocked off so it can be hunted on 2 months a year.
Dec 13, 2017
2) Enduro-bros who think they need to skid around every corner, thereby blowing out the corners and trashing the trail in the process. They need to work on their skills so they can "rail" the corners instead of skidding like 12 year olds
3) Idiots who ride trails when they are wet/muddy and in turn, leave huge ruts in the trail. This causes the other tools to ride around said ruts and widen the trail from singletrack to a full blown freeway traffic lane
Dec 14, 2017
Dec 15, 2017
Dec 16, 2017
Dec 20, 2017
I always want to ride longer, even if I can't move my legs anymore my brain is nooooo not yet
Ride Long Ride Hard Ride to Live
May 13, 2018
Dec 20, 2017
Loading up the truck and going home is definitely the worst part about mountain biking. Well said!