(Rider: Marcel Slootheer. Dog: Ezra. Photo: Greg Heil.)
Editor’s Note: “Over a Beer” is a regular column written by Greg Heil. While Greg is the Editor in Chief for Singletracks.com, any opinions expressed in this column are his alone and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Singletracks.com.
At the end of every calendar year, many people look back on the previous 12 months and reflect on their life. “What challenges did I face in the past year? What were the highlights of the past year? What did I accomplish? What do I want to accomplish in the coming year?”
If this isn’t an exercise you partake in, I highly recommend it. It’s more than merely making a New Year’s Resolution–it’s an exercise of active reflection on who you are, based on what you’ve done.
I feel like I get a jump on the process every year thanks to having a birthday in early November. Not content to wait until the beginning of January, my reflection begins now, with the upshot being that by the time January rolls around, I’ve already determined what my primary goals will be for the upcoming year.
You need more than just New Year’s Eve to plan an entire year.
More than Just Goals
In the past, my reflection has focused on the goals that I’ve either accomplished in the past year, or failed to accomplish. And when looking forward, my focus has been deciding which goals I want to set my mind to achieving–what I want to see happen in the upcoming year.
To be sure, this isn’t a bad thing. But as I’ve delved deeper and deeper, I’ve had to ask myself: “Why am I setting this goal? What is my motivation for creating this goal? What do I hope to attain by accomplishing this specific thing?”
Oftentimes I tend to look at these goals and the actions that were required to achieve them in isolation. “Did I accomplish this? Yes or no.”
But when you step back a pace and look at the combined weight of those goals and achievements, or challenges overcome, you’re looking at your actions collectively. What you have done in the past year of life.
And actions, more than anything else, define who we are and what our character is.
Actions Show Your Character
Sure, words are important, and a quick Google search about action as defining our character can unearth articles arguing the opposite way. But especially in our age of social media, talk is cheap. People can spew hopes, dreams, and goals all over Facebook, with no possible chance of achieving any of them. Maybe talk isn’t even cheap, it can be even worse than cheap, when one’s claims to action end up falling flat on their faces.
Regardless of the value of talk or the lack thereof, when I look back on the bulk of my actions over the past year, those actions tell a story. They tell the story of my life.
The things I did, the things I didn’t do. How I handled adversity, or how I ran from it. How I set goals for myself and achieved them, or how I accomplished nothing. What I put value on, and what I didn’t deem worthy of investing in.
The actions tell the story.
Asking the Wrong Question
I think that over the years I may have been asking the wrong question at the beginning of every year. I’ve asked, “What do I want to accomplish? What do I want to do?” And as noted above, those actions based on those questions in turn have defined the person that I am.
But perhaps a better question to ask is: “What kind of life do I want to live?”
If you know the kind of life that you want to live, and have determined the most important priorities of your heart with 100% certainty, the objective of living that particular life can and should significantly impact the specific goals that you set for next year. When you know how you want to live, that informs which actions you take, and which you do not take.
This discussion is quite abstract right now, so let’s make it practical.
Thought Experiment 1: Possessions VS Experience

One of the most basic life-long value decisions you can make is whether or not you’ll spend your life amassing valuable possessions, or spend your life in the pursuit of epic experiences. In the outdoors culture in general, the obvious answer to this dilemma always is, “experience! Experience!” But in the world of mountain biking, while the answer may seem obvious, it’s not always quite that clear-cut.
Unlike some other outdoors activities, mountain biking can be a very expensive pursuit. With top-end mountain bikes costing $10,000-$12,000, not to mention accessories, additional gear, extra bikes for other types of riding, and the like, you could conceivably spend as much money as you desire on this sport. But unless you’re independently wealthy, have already spent decades amassing a fortune for yourself, or are generally really lucky, acquiring the money to spend on the bikes and accessories will take you some serious work.
Most of us lust after the latest technology, the continued advancements, the lightest carbon bikes, and wish we could own one of them–or indeed, take the step and figure out how to make the latest and greatest bike our steed for the year–every year. But is the amount of work required to earn that $10,000 and spend it on an uber-light bike worth it?
For ease of math, let’s say that a mountain biker makes make $20 an hour, and wants to buy a $10,000 mountain bike. Excluding calculations for income and sales taxes, it will take him 500 hours to earn that mountain bike. At 40 hours a week, that’s 12.5 weeks, or 3 full months of wages going toward that mountain bike.
So the question is: would this rider be happier spending 500 hours to earn a $10,000 mountain bike, or would he be happier spending 50 hours to earn a $1,000 mountain bike, and the other 450 hours actually out riding said mountain bike?
The answer depends on the kind of life that that rider decides he wants to live.
Thought Experiment 2: Adventure VS Fitness

When it comes to mountain biking and mountain bike goals, I see a major internal conflict that can be answered by first determining what kind of life you want to live. That conflict is adventure VS fitness.
In my experience, if one’s goal is to develop true top-end fitness–maximum speed and endurance–the pursuit of that max fitness often precludes having true adventures on the mountain bike. Note that I’m not talking about a general fitness level, or being generally able to go a decently long ways on a mountain bike, as those are often a baseline requirement for adventurous mountain bike rides. Rather, I’m talking about building to specific distance, building speed by doing intervals, focusing on specific techniques or heart rate zones–accomplishing these types of goals is nearly impossible when you’re riding in unfamiliar territory on trails you’ve never pedaled before.
The best place to achieve those types of fitness goals is on specific trails that you’ve ridden before that you already know will help you accomplish the specific goals that you wish to attain. Or, more realistically, the road bike is the best place to train, by controlling as many variables as possible so you can focus on pushing the limits on the key variables that you need to expand.
The adventurous mountain bike ride throws any other goals besides completing the adventure out the window. The trail may end up being shorter than you expected, limiting your endurance achievements. It may be significantly longer than expected, meaning you end up doing a long ride when you were supposed to be doing a short day. Instead of riding your bike at an expected speed or heart rate, you may end up carrying your bike for hours on end.
So what’s most important to you: living a life of adventure, or living a life of fitness? Answering that meta-level question will influence many decisions that you make for yourself.
Thought Experiment 3: Travel VS Community

Another conflict based on life choices that I observe in the outdoors community at large, and the mountain bike community in particular, is determining the value of travel versus the value of community. Again, this is a meta-level question, and must first be determined by deciding what kind of life you want to live.
Right now, the hot thing on Outside Online is #VanLife, and anything that goes along with quitting your job, hitting the open road, and roaming freely from place to place. Bonus points if you pack your bags, hop a one-way flight to Europe, and pedal around with no return visit in sight.
But in my experience, what you rarely read about as people set off on these “grand adventures” is how lonely life on the road can be. Sure, you get to meet great people along the way and forge new friendships. I’ve met some amazing people while traveling that I’ve stayed in touch with for years afterwards. But no matter how many people you meet along the way, it’s impossible over the course of a couple of beers to build a relationship as deep and lasting as the ones you can build if you live in the same town and interact with the same people, month after month, year after year, and decade after decade.
True community is nearly impossible to achieve when living a nomadic lifestyle. So what kind of life do you want to live: one of deep and lasting friendships and community, or a solitary existence seeing the most beautiful places imaginable, spending hours upon hours on the back of your mountain bike, and gaining a breadth of experience that few can match?
Final Thoughts
As 2016 draws to a close, I challenge you to ask yourself: “What kind of life do I want to live?” I’m not attempting to give you the answers to the example questions above or to your life in general in this column, although maybe my personal choices are obvious. I’ll save the convincing for another time.
Instead, I encourage you to decide what you personally value in life, and what you want the grand narrative of your life to read like. Based on those decisions, you’ll be more equipped than ever to choose goals for yourself that are meaningful, and you’ll value the accomplishments once they are completed. And hopefully, you’ll live a fuller, richer, and happier life as a result.
Nov 30, 2016
Nov 30, 2016
Dec 1, 2016
Dec 2, 2016
Nov 30, 2016
When it comes down to the end and I’m thinking about the life I’ve lived (if I’m allowed that opportunity), I’ll be far more pleased with the adventures I’ve had vs. the things I could buy. And don’t get me wrong, I like nice bikes and have one that would’ve cost me a ton without a team deal, but it's a means to and end really. Could I still ride Amassa Back on a crap bike? My beat to hell singlespeed, for instance? Sure. Not as fast and certainly walking more. But the experience would have been as memorable if not more. And the experience is why I'm doing it.
In terms of community, what you describe is accurate. My life on the road has put me in a position to hit trails all over the place but I found myself missing the great people with whom I have shared many adventures with over the years. Sometimes it seems folks don't think about that when they consider a life on the road. But rest assured, it can and does get lonely when the only conversations you have with others, except your spouse, are fairly superficial. Or non-existent when you're off the grid. And if you're not given to naturally inserting yourself into conversations ... you get the picture.
I think coming home for the holidays had me more excited than just about anything over the last few months, with the exception of meeting/interviewing Ned. I just couldn't wait to get back and ride with the guys who have been by my side for the last decade or two.
Leaving again soon but now with a much greater appreciation of the people I have in my life every day. It’s easy to get wrapped up in a busy world … but the folks and experiences you have are the very essence of the good life.
Nov 30, 2016
Nov 26, 2018
Nov 28, 2017
Keep up the good work, Greg!
Nov 30, 2016
Dec 21, 2016
i'm currently struggling with the fact that i live in mountain biking mecca Vancouver, BC where the riding is great, albeit very technical and as I am entering my 50's I am tending towards slightly less technical riding....and the fact that Vancouver is exceedingly expensive, decreases the frequency with which I am able to take trips and travel to other great mountain biking/cycling areas.
It might sound insane to bike riders but I'm thinking of moving nearer to family back in Southern Ontario where I can better afford to live (and still ride less technical trails with my brother and a few friends)...but where there's a lower cost of living and I can more easily save to take bike trips.
Nov 30, 2016
I largely accomplished what I wanted to (particularly at the Trans-Sylvania Epic, less so at ORAMM) by the summer, so the second half of the year has been all about having fun and "adventure" riding. It's tough because while I really enjoy the fun riding, I do miss the speed I had as well.
Nov 30, 2016
Nov 30, 2016
Ah well, I guess that's why there's no easy answers :)
Dec 1, 2016
My endurance is still great, partly from the training, but also just from years of riding. It's the top-end speed I'm lacking now. It makes it difficult to really turn the screws on my buddies.
Nov 30, 2016
Dec 1, 2016
Nov 28, 2017
Nov 28, 2017
A great perspective! Thanks for sharing!
Nov 30, 2016
My idea at that time was to start own outdoor MTB agency. So, to earn money on my passion. Not to get rich, just to have enough for decent life ( well, I don't need 10000$ carbon bike at all).
Two months ago I only knew what I want to do. Now I know how.
Bottom line if you're going after change, you'll need only 3 things:
to decide, to have support from your family and to belive in your success.
Simple as that.
If you're doubting or missing any of those 3, better don't go after any change yet.
You're not ready.
Dec 21, 2016
May I assume by family you mean spouse and kids? (Because I'm still single, by family I still mean parents and siblings.)
My parents have always been very uncomfortable with change and with my life decisions and they usually overtly challenge and criticize any plan that does not adhere to the; get married, buy a car, buy a house, work full-time at one job til you retire lifestyle....while I have always (not wildly but with purpose) gone against the grain in my professional and travel pursuits.
If I waited for the support of my family before I made any life decisions, i wouldn't have done half the amazing adventures I've been on.
Dec 22, 2016
We all are having two options: to build other peoples dreams, or to live our own.
For last 23 years I was builiding other peoples dreams, now is time for me to live my own.
And with support of my family I see no limits.
As you said, what parents or your community or whoever is expecting is at the end not relevant. What you want, in the other hand is.
Peace & keep on riding!
Nov 30, 2016
Dec 21, 2016
i'm an ER Nurse in Vancouver BC and get the same appreciation from treating patients as you do. Especially as many of them are sports trauma from crashing in our North Shore mountains.
It sounds like you do Travel assignments. me too, in Canada and the US. I've done some riding in Washington, Oregon, Utah and plan on doing another assignment near Asheville, North Carolina next year.
If you are in Oregon, try to go to Bend. it's got some great riding!
I'm especially inspired when I see anyone older than me still riding even if they do come in with a shattered shoulder or broken limbs. (Maybe you have to be a NUrse to be inspired by injury but I sincerely mean it...it reminds me to keep pushing even if I do learn from other riders mistakes/injuries and don't get as much air as I used to (whihc was never very much anyway!)
Nov 30, 2016
Thanks for the thoughts & the kind words, Caren!
Nov 30, 2016
Dec 1, 2016
its true that mountain biking is expencive i have no job as i am still in school and upgrading my mtb witha monthly allowance will take me atleast 4 years of saving just for a fork upgrade so for now ill have to stick with my exploded views of my forks and home maintenance on everything
also a valuable skill to know for mountain biking is maintenance if u cant maintain it dont buy / ride it
Dec 2, 2016
Honestly, this bit here is pretty much hogwash. How many people can maintain every aspect of their car? Very few. How many people does that stop from owning and driving cars? Zero.
Same thing applies to a high-end mountain bike. While admittedly my mechanic skills aren't the best, even if I do get better at wrenching someday I'll probably never get to the point where I feel comfortable pulling my rear shock apart and servicing the internals. But that's ok--that's why we have bike mechanics!
Dec 2, 2016
im not finished with school and im already learning panel beating spraypainting timing and basic maintenance
its yrue that there are bicycle mechanics and i admit i still wont go as far as rebuilding my wheels of my mtb but there are multiple factors like community ad mentioned in ur post
my community has only 2 bycycle shops within 100km of my home so i rather fix my bike myself