Feedback has a reputation for building some of the best portable workstands around. In fact, we’ve had their Pro-Elite stand in our office for two years, and it’s as good as new. The big news from the brand at this year’s Interbike was their expansion into the tool market. Tools seems like a logical extension of their current product line, but there is no shortage of competition for them–think Park, Pedros, Lezyne, and Birzman, just to name a few.
It appears that Feedback Sports was methodical and deliberate with this project, though. They didn’t want to slap their logo on some pre-assembled tool kit like the Spin Doctor. I was told that it’s been a four-year process getting their tools to market.
When you look at their tool kits, there aren’t any bullshit tools included just to fill up space. For instance, you won’t find any cone wrenches from Feedback. What you do get are well thought out kits filled with tools you actually need. Feedback stopped short of calling the tools shop quality, but these things look and feel like they would stand up to years of heavy use.

Feedback is offering the tools for sale individually or in one of two kits. The $130 Ride Prep kit includes enough tools to cover the majority of bike repairs including: 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8mm allen keys, Torx keys, a pedal wrench, chain tool, and a rotor truing tool. All the tools come in a portfolio-style, zippered, water-resistant case. This could be a great kit to keep in the back of your car for road trips and trailhead repairs.

The Team Edition kit adds a few more tools like their handy cassette pliers–used instead of a chain whip–and bottom bracket wrench. The really cool thing about this kit is that the case is designed to be hung from a workstand, keeping the tools close by during repairs. Retail price for the Team Edition kit is $250.

Finally, Feedback was also showing a very nice set of T-handle allen keys. There are seven tools including a T25, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, and 6mm allens. The tools were weighty in your hand and the T connection is solid–Feedback is using a set screw with a little Loctite to keep the handle in place. Just holding them made me want to work on my bike. The T-handle tool kit with case sells for $130.