I’ve never been a big fan CO2 inflators. When I’m out in the woods, I don’t like having a finite supply of inflation. I might use my cartridge on a flat, and then later in the day, an unprepared friend gets one. Or maybe when I’m fixing my flat, I fudge something up (which would surprise nobody) and I prematurely squeeze all my CO2 out into the forest air in one big whoosh… and what then? I’m walking back to the car? Hell no.
The way I see it, I can avoid this whole emotional roller coaster by carrying a mini pump. “But wait!” you protest. “Mini trail pumps are worthless pieces of shit that are far more likely to raise your blood pressure than your PSI, all while making you look like a complete idiot as you pump away, red-faced and cursing, for half an hour.”
Not anymore, folks. Enter the Lezyne Micro Floor Drive pump. If you ever ride alone – get one. If you don’t, I’m sure someone else in your group who’s smarter than you (and probably better-looking) already has one, cause these things are the bee’s knees.
Using the Lezyne Micro Floor Drive Trail Pump

The best thing about the Micro Floor Drive is the 24” hose. Being able to attach the hose to the valve stem and then pump somewhere else – like the ground, for instance – is an amazing concept. I can’t believe trail pumps ever existed without this feature.

The pump also has a foot peg similar to a full-size floor pump that folds against the barrel when not in use, and an air bleed system (ABS) in the chuck prevents the valve stem from de-coring when unscrewing the pump head. As a bonus: the chuck is reversible and works with both Presta and Schrader stems, meaning you can inflate pretty much anything.

The Lezyne Micro Floor Drive comes in a few different versions to suit every need. There’s a high-volume option (HV), which is what I use since I run tubeless at anywhere between 16-24psi. Then there’s high pressure (HP) if you’re confused and also ride a cyclocross or road bike. Each option can also come with a gauge built into the hose (labeled either HVG or HPG), but I’ve never used one and therefore I can’t attest to the accuracy of the gauge.
On another note, Lezyne now offers the same pumps with digital gauges built in, or you can get just the hose with the digital gauge to go on your existing pump. Feel free to comment if you have experience with any of the gauged versions.
CO2 Be Gone
I suppose there’s still a case to be made for using CO2 in a race. I’m not really buying it, though. I’ve fixed plenty of flats in my day and I’ve gotten pretty efficient, but in a race, I’m not installing a tube or riding my bike fast enough to stay competitive if I slash a sidewall. Unless there’s a NASCAR pit crew waiting at that one super rocky section, it’s basically impossible to fix a flat and podium in the same race. It’s just not your day to win.
For the concerned weight weenies out there, this pump is on a serious diet. Just 205 grams for infinite air is a steal, especially since 20g CO2 cartridges weigh 70 grams each, and a run-of-the-mill CO2 chuck is around 40g.
One Complaint with the Lezyne Micro Floor Drive Pump
Since it can’t all be sunshine and roses, I have a single gripe with the Lezyne pump. The T-grip is only a hair wider than 1.5”, and it isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world. Perhaps Lezyne could’ve found a way to make a bigger handle. In all honesty, though, it would probably make the pump heavier and more expensive. Glove up, deal with the handle, and enjoy a reliable air supply every time.
In case you haven’t gathered from the review, I love this thing, and it never leaves my pack. The Lezyne Micro Floor Drive trail pump is of the highest quality, and when a random stranger let me use it on the trail (thanks again, anonymous hero!) I was so blown away I asked way more questions about the pump than him. When I got home I immediately dropped the $50 and ordered one of my own, and I now use it regularly to air up.

Mar 10, 2018
Not certain if if would work for those of us who ride without a full-on back/hydra-pack (I use a small Timbuk2 seat bag) but it looks promising.
Mar 15, 2018
Seriously, I see the appeal of this, but with tubeless, I get so few flats, that I just carry a light, simple, and reliable Blackburn Mountain Pump. I rubber band a tube to it and just carry it in my center jersey pocket.
Mar 15, 2018
Mar 15, 2018
Mar 15, 2018