Three mountain bikers riding new Tucson, Arizona area mountain bike trails found booby traps including chest height trip wires, according to Tucson.com.
The Pima County Sheriff’s Office was notified of the traps and are currently investigating. Anyone with knowledge about the event is encouraged to speak with the sheriff’s office.
According to the cyclists, who chose to remain anonymous, the wires were discovered around 2:00 PM on October 7, 2018. The riders weren’t positive how the wires were anchored, but they were strung on a downhill section on a trail at Mckenzie Ranch Trails Park. The mountain bikers removed the traps after discovery.
Tucson.com reports that the same park was vandalized earlier in the month. Many of the park’s signs were torn down and damaged, one sign was removed and speared through a cactus, gates had locks cut off, a wildlife camera was stolen, and a bulldozer was damaged.
McKenzie Ranch Trails Park is supported by the Sonoran Desert Mountain Bicyclists, and is set to have a grand opening on November 3. Officials say that everything will be repaired before the grand opening event.
Oct 26, 2018
republican & anti rump. Hate the bastard! I went to Nam, rump played the ladies. I am also a 71 year old Vietnam veteran, member of the VVAW, former middle school teacher, amateur anthropologist, mtb addict, cross country ski addict, and member of the Chippewa Off Road Bicycle Association in central WI. I've found many "environmental nut jobs" working on mtb trails in our area. We take great care in designing our trails to avoid erosion & to be as "environmentally friendly" as we can. I would like to the McKenzie Ranch Trails Park & Tuscon on one of my mtb's, but PTSD has me.
Oct 27, 2018
I hear you but there is always that 5% of the people that mess it up for the other 75%
Let’s find whoever does this stuff and lock them up for a while.
Oct 26, 2018
The hikers claim we damage the environment. It might be true, but its equally true for them. Concrete walks, wooden structures and the foot traffic is just as harmful if not more so. They actually damage our trails when there are running events. It about as bad as sharing the trail with horses. I really wish they would stay off designated bike trails, like we are prohibited from walking trails.
Sadly that day will probably never happen.
The minimal damage from either party is a worthy sacrifice for the funding it brings in. I am not against hikers. I just want it to be fair and its not as it is now. The park near me has 2500 regulars. We all pay for access to the park. If the trail was not there for us, that park would not have the revenue it does now. So when someone argues the damage we do they should ponder this. Those parks can not operate without visitors coming there paying their dues. Maybe I could word this better, I hope a decent writer can build up some sort of article bringing light to this.
Oct 23, 2018
Oct 25, 2018
Oct 24, 2018
Oct 26, 2018
Oct 23, 2018
Oct 25, 2018