Over at the Raleigh News and Observer Joe Miller says a potential land acquisition at Eno River State Park in North Carolina *could* open new trails to mountain biking within the park. Mountain biking is addressed in the park’s draft General Management Plan which will be revised with public input over the next few years. Park officials say they’ve already been contacted by local MTB clubs who have offered to help build the trails – now that’s enthusiasm!
When we lived in Durham we did alot of trail running and hiking at Eno River State Park and I always tried to imagine which trails would be the best for mountain biking. The Cox Mountain trail is one of the steepest trails in the area and would make a killer downhill in a region severely lacking gravity options (though I don’t think this trail is even remotely being considered for mountain biking). The Dunnagen trail would offer some fast and fun ridge riding but again, not on the table as far as I know.
As more and more land management plans come up for review and revision we should start to see even more parks allowing mountain biking in the future. Read the local paper to see which parks in your area are drafting new plans and speak out – you just might get some new singletrack!
Dec 26, 2008