Buffalo Creek is consistently near the top of many mountain bikers’ must-ride lists, and is currently ranked #5 in the world on Singletracks.com. There are over 50 miles of trails that also connect to the grueling, yet scenic, Colorado Trail. In fact, Singletracks is having a group ride here, scheduled for April 5th, as part of the 30 Days of Biking Challenge. These trails mostly consist of long climbs with a lot of flow, with the exception of the double-diamond Blackjack Trail that many consider to be the crown jewel of this high alpine trail system.

Residents in nearby Pine, Bailey, and other areas have been working diligently for the past few years to maintain and expand this area, with advocacy efforts such as the Baily Hundo race event, to raise awareness and support in order to expand it into a biking destination that rivals places like Fruita. A lofty goal indeed.
Today, Denver-based Wheat Ridge Cyclery (WRC) announced new efforts to build virgin singletrack trail in the Buffalo Creek area, in conjunction with the Colorado Mountain Bike Association (COMBA) and Trek. Named Little Scraggy, this trail will be one of the few in the area built by mountain bikers, for mountain bikers, using the same techniques and equipment employed by Trek to maintain their coveted private “test singletrack” in Wisconsin.

Often nicknamed “Buff Creek” by locals because of its smooth ribbons of decomposing granite, Little Scraggly hopes to deviate from that moniker with a pinch more gnar and a lot more optional rock lines. Construction is planned for a 9 mile loop in an area with no official trails (yet), and will undoubtedly have lung-busting climbs as well. It will be located south of the Colorado Trail, circumnavigating Little Scraggy Peak, and is set to be completed in phases in 2014, 2015, and 2016.
Working with the USFS, wildlife biologists, archaeologists, rangers, and the aforementioned groups, this trail is designed to be ecologically-minded but ready-to-roll hardpack by the time it is completed.
COMBA, a division of IMBA, is recruiting volunteers to help out with building this trail, and maintaining existing ones. If you live in the area, and have the time and interest to volunteer, I strongly encourage you to contact COMBA for work days and sign up!
Having ridden most of Buffalo Creek many times over, and having marveled at the excellent work that WRC and COMBA did on Blackjack and Raspberry Ridge, this new trail is sure to be one of the best trails in the area!
More to come as new developments are announced… and if you have been helping or volunteering at Little Scraggy we would love to hear from you in the comments section.
Check out a video of the proposed trails below:
Mar 20, 2014
Also, I don't want to be a "stickler", but Buffalo Creek is not in the "high alpine" zone of the Rockies. Most of the area is actually even below subalpine, which usually starts at about 9000+ feet. The trails of Buffalo Creek are laid out in what is classified as mixed conifer forest.
Mar 20, 2014