Watch: CAMBA by the Numbers

If you haven't ridden the CAMBA mountain bike trails in Wisconsin yet, you're missing out. 125 miles of singletrack, 17 trailheads, and a dozen races and events each year.

CAMBA by the Numbers from James Netz Photography LLC on Vimeo.

You’ve probably heard about the CAMBA trails already, but may not realize just how big a deal this place is. This video, “CAMBA by the Numbers” offers impressive stats any mountain biker can appreciate.

4 seasons

photo: Jeff Barber

Before fat bikes, no one would have considered CAMBA a 4-season mountain biking destination, but thanks for fat tires and a dedicated crew of trail groomers, the trails are open year round! Fall trail conditions can be particularly amazing.

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12 mountain bike events

Need an excuse to visit CAMBA? Sign up for one of a dozen mountain bike events taking place on the trails each year! Some of the biggest events, like the Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival attract thousands and sell out quickly. There are even fat bike races and more competitive events like the Borah Epic.

17 trailheads

The Chequamegon area boasts 17 trailheads, making it easy to access CAMBA trails from many points in the forest. This makes it easy to get to the trails from local towns where there are many options for lodging, food, and of course, beer.

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125 miles of singletrack

The “Gravity Cavity” in the CAMBA trail system. photo: Jeff Barber

Enough said.

OK, so it is worth mentioning the fact that CAMBA has something for everyone, from beginner riders all the way up to experienced hammerheads. CAMBA even boasts an IMBA Epic route called the Rock Lake Epic.

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