If you’re a regular Singletracks reader you’ve noticed that we updated our logo today. Changing a logo, especially for a brand with a long history like Singletracks, is always a big deal, so I wanted to take a minute to address the occasion.
The previous Singletracks logo was first used more than 10 years ago and since it debuted, we haven’t really made any changes to it. Frankly it was never a great logo–a bastardization of a mark created by a nameless, faceless designer at LogoWorks mated with a terrible font (Bauhaus) and color palette that I personally added after the fact. My apologies to all whose senses have been offended over the years.

The fact is, Singletracks has grown exponentially over the past decade, so starting last year we began exploring a new brand identity (basically a new logo and color scheme). We spent months working with Chris at Limeburger Creative, talking about what makes Singletracks unique, considering various symbols, and ultimately, selecting and refining the logo you see today. The new mark is fresh, simple, and, we think, representative of what Singletracks is and aspires to become in the future.
Simply put, Singletracks’ mission is to share mountain bike knowledge that inspires epic adventures. The great thing is that this isn’t a change from what we’ve been doing for the past 17 years. We intend to use this mission statement and brand identity to hold ourselves accountable to our readers and the mountain bike community at large for years to come.
In conjunction with the new logo rollout, we’re giving away Singletracks t-shirts, stickers, and can coolers to at least one Singletracks reader in every country and US state. Simply login to your account, upload one or more trail photos from a trail in your state in March, (be sure to tag the correct trail when you do), and in early April we’ll pick one random winner from each country and US state. We also have new t-shirts, stickers, and can coolers in stock in the Singletracks store starting today, all with free shipping.
Thanks for reading Singletracks and for riding along with us on this epic journey!
Mar 21, 2016
Mar 9, 2016
Mar 8, 2016
Mar 7, 2016
Mar 7, 2016
Mar 8, 2016
Mar 7, 2016