A mountain biker in South Africa was injured last week when he rode into a suspected trail trap and was pulled off of his bike.
The trap consisted of a wire strung across a trail at neck height. The rider says he sustained abrasions to his neck.
Robert Vogel, the founder of Table Mountain Bikers, a mountain bike group in the area, told the South African newspaper, the Times Live that the trail was only recently opened to mountain bikers and there has been a record of opposition.
There’s also two other times that traps have been laid across this trail. Vogel told the Times Live that he caught someone setting up a trap himself and “dealt with it.” He was under the impression that it wouldn’t be a problem anymore, but it appears that trail saboteurs weren’t deterred.
That’s what some people call trail sharing!A wire at neck height across a legal trail in the Glen.A calculated act to inflict maximum harm!Rider will lay criminal charges & we’ll find the culprit. @TableMountainNP @CapeTalk @AMA_TokaiMTB @TableMntnWatch pic.twitter.com/42O0uWkiF6
— TableMountainBikers (@TableMTB) July 7, 2018
“We think it is the same person‚ a local resident – and this time it could have been worse‚” Vogel told the Times Live.
Singletracks reached out to the Table Mountain Bikers for comment, but our requests were not returned. We will update readers if any new information comes out.