Trail booby traps have been discovered at High Mountain Park Preserve in Northern New Jersey, and officials are asking local trail users to be extremely cautious when using the trails.
The booby traps in question are strands of barbed wire and spike strips constructed of nails screwed through boards, which are covered and buried just barely below the trail’s surface. “Other booby traps include broken bottles behind or next to rocks and logs,” according to PIX11.
“I think it’s weird,” Dennis Scalzitti, a hiker, told PIX11. “Why would you want to harm people out biking and hiking? We live in a very sick world, don’t we?”
If you spot any suspicious activity in High Mountain Park Preserve or the surrounding area, please contact the Wayne Police.
See Also: “Are Trail Booby Traps Terrorism or Just a Hate Crime?“

Aug 26, 2016
Aug 9, 2016