When I was younger, I remember my mom asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up. The answer I gave her then still holds true today. “I want to be HAPPY,” I said. I am certain she was waiting for the ballerina, doctor, or drummer answer, and yes, I would like to be those things too, but really number one on my list is to be happy. It just makes sense. I believed, if everyone worked harder at making themselves happier people, it would be amazing!
What is wrong with wanting to be happy? A little selfish? No doubt, it is!
I am passionate about being involved in the Endure Nepal Film. I feel incredibly lucky that mountain biking and the community I have grown to be a part of would inspire a project like this. The documentary is about five lady shredders bikepacking to a remote village to build a greenhouse, enabling a self-sustaining food source for the area. It will especially empower the women of the region, and allow them to provide for their families and neighbors. The project will help inform other adventure seekers that want to watch the film, that Nepal needs more help rebuilding after last year’s earthquakes. It might even inspire others to travel to Nepal and experience the country first-hand, leaving their hard-earned dollars there to reproduce in the thin Nepalese air. It will be a grand adventure in the biggest mountains on Earth.
Here are my selfish reasons for being involved in the Endure Nepal Film:
- I want to go to Nepal.
- I want to ride my mountain bike in the biggest, most awe-inspiring mountains in the world.
- I want to learn how to build a high-altitude greenhouse.
- I want to experience a new culture and expand my view of the world!
- I want to be challenged by a big, grueling ride at altitude (the ride from Kathmandu to the Langtang Valley is over 100 miles, with more than 23,000 feet of elevation gain).
- I want the attention (always have) that this project will bring to me personally, but not in a “Look at me, I am famous way!” way, but more of a “Look at the cool adventure I got to be a part of. Look at what we were able to accomplish,” way. (And if I can do it, so can you.)
- I want to be remembered for making a difference!
- I want to do some good in this world!
- I want to have a great adventure with some amazing ladies!
So, go ahead and judge me if you want. I’ll be the first to admit I’m a little selfish. I don’t really see it as a negative in this case. I am pouring energy and time (and my own money) into a project that will inspire others to help and hopefully think about what is important to them, and what will make them happy.
Next time a project like this is presented to you,I hope you are a little selfish and take on the challenge of DOING SOMETHING!
When we get back and show the film, wouldn’t you love to be able to say, “I helped do that!”
When I return from Nepal at the end of March, I want to continue to be inspired and to use my intense passion for mountain biking and the cool connections and people mountain biking have brought into my life. I want to inspire myself and those around me to be nice and try to do nice things for nice people. To me, life is about connecting with as many awesome people in a meaningful and productive way, while learning as much as you can.
What can I say? I’m selfish!
If you’re interested in helping Endure Nepal become a reality, be sure to check out their Kickstarter here, and consider donating.
Tricia Davis is a selfish physical therapist, contributor to crankjoy.com, and co-owner and coach at Potential Energy Training and Nutrition. She’s ridden mountain bikes with ambition since her first ex-boyfriend said they were dumb, over 25 years ago.