Over the past few years, Western North Carolina has really come into its own as a destination for outdoor activities of all types. But it’s also become a hub for companies that manufacture outdoor gear and accessories–like beer!
The Outdoor Gear Builders of Western North Carolina is a trade group of sorts that aims to promote the region and its companies. With 27 current members–including cycling companies such as Industry Nine, Cane Creek, and DeFeet–the Outdoor Gear Builders want to foster a sense of community and collaboration.
Or, to take it straight from the horse’s mouth:
“We want the WNC community to see and try the amazing and innovative products that are being made in their own backyard,” says Kyle Mundt, Director of Marketing and New Product Development for SylvanSport and one of the founders of the Outdoor Gear Builders. “This is a great chance for all these great companies to get together and show our community what’s new for 2016.”
On March 19, the organization will host its second annual Get in Gear Fest in the River Arts District of Asheville, NC. Member companies will be on hand to show off their latest and greatest products that are designed and/or built in North Carolina.
Like any good festival, there will be plenty of activities for the whole family from adventure races, raffles, auctions, and music. And, of course, a beer garden for the adults. All proceeds from the event will benefit River Link, an organization that works to revitalize the French Broad River in NC. Admission to the event is FREE, so if you’re in the area, check it out and show your support for these companies!
