MTB Race Through a Mine

Emerging from a dark tunnel on Gold Camp Road in Colorado Springs, CO. We’ve profiled some unusual MTB races here in the past (ones that go through brewpubs, parking structures, etc.) but this is a new one for us: A mountain bike race through an underground mine in Greenland, MI. The course is a 4 …

Emerging from a dark tunnel on Gold Camp Road in Colorado Springs, CO.

We’ve profiled some unusual MTB races here in the past (ones that go through brewpubs, parking structures, etc.) but this is a new one for us: A mountain bike race through an underground mine in Greenland, MI. The course is a 4 mile loop that includes roughly half a mile underground where riders will be required to provide their own lights. One description of the underground portion I read said it would be tight and that tall riders may need to dismount in places (yikes!). No need to bring your GPS on this course 🙂

The AP even picked up this story and the race organizers are scrambling to organize more details due to the sudden interest in the race. These sites seem to have the best info at the moment: MMBA Northeast Chapter and Who’s up for an underground MTB race?